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A.J.'s Page of Humor

Home Up Cabin Announcements (#1) Other silly stuff

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 I really wanted to call this page:

 << A.J.'s "Funny-isms" >>

  (but someone told me that name would never fly.)  This page created on Sunday; July 04th, 2004.  

  "Funny-ism" Number One (#01) 

  mmanimated.gif, 15 KB


This morning I was sitting at the computer. I was looking through some pictures, (in my computer files); and I came across an old "computer-image cartoon."   (A   " *.gif "   in technical terms.)   It was NOT the above cartoon, which I just used for effect, but an old reproduction of what the first Disney character really looked like. (It was "Steam-boat Willie," an early version of the company's main cartoon character, Mickey Mouse.)

I began to laugh and laugh and laugh   ... ... ...   and my wife could not figure out why.  

I was reminded of an old  "Drill-Sergeant"  that I had in the Army ... which almost seems to be hundreds of years ago.
(In actuality, I was in the U.S. Army National Guard, and the episode I am about to describe took place sometime in the 1970's, probably in 1976 or 1977.) 

This very hard-nosed black fellow -from the state of Louisiana, (we were at Fort Leonard-Wood) - used to swear a blue streak and generally scare the living heck out of all of us young privates. But occasionally, something he would say would strike me as painfully funny. (They were times when I wished I did not possess a sense of humor  ---  it got me into a lot of trouble.) 

Anyway, he was standing there one morning, giving us all a good "dressing-down" ... as we used to say in the military. The morning was bitterly cold, that winter was one of the coldest that the state of Missouri had experienced in a long time. Steam was pouring out of his mouth as he sat there yelling, and while this might not be anything special to people to people who live up north, to a boy from Florida it was an extremely unusual site. (The "Sarge" had already dropped me for several sets of push-ups that particular morning ... I had a bad case of the 'spontaneous laughter' that just would not go away.) Some young person, an underling - a Corporal to be precise - ran up to give him a report (of some type).  

The Sergeant swore a series of curses, profanities and oaths, (that was rather creative and fairly original - at least it was for me); and then he belted out: 
 "Holy  ____!!!  What kind of  <blinkety-blankety>,  Mickey-Mouse operation do they think I am running here?"      

This was just too much for me, I lost it. I laughed so hard that I literally fell down and rolled around in the snow. Of course this was completely the wrong reaction ... and only served to get me into further trouble. (You can imagine how this little performance sat with my superiors that day. I have vague memories of  -later-  endlessly running around a track ... with a rifle over my head.)  

{An chess-playing friend and officer later - very precisely - defined for me what a military man considered to be a "Mickey-Mouse" set-up. An operation was considered to be "Mickey-Mouse" any time it was very poorly run, a plan was very badly executed, or a program was severely under-funded. My Dad had a different definition of this term ... which was basically applied to anything that was made overseas, (mostly - then - Japan or Korea); and was nothing more than a piece of junk.}   

The punch-line today is that the Disney Company is a multi-billion, MEGA-corporation ... with interests all over the world! 

Click  HERE  to see some really funny airline cabin announcements. 

   Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I  

  Copyright (©) A.J. Goldsby, 2013.  All rights reserved. 

  This page was last updated on 06/24/13 .  

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