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Capa-Alek (1-4)

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Jose R. Capablanca (2775) - Alexander A. Alekhine (2745) 


World Championship Match in Buenos Aires, 
Argentina. (Game # 11), 1927.

So far we have looked at the moves:
1. d4, d5; 2. c4, e6; 3. Nc3, Nf6; 4. Bg5, Nbd7; 
5. e3, c6; 6. Nf3, Qa5; 7. Nd2, Bb4; 8. Qc2, dxc4.

(We are now [back to] studying the actual game.)


9. Bxf6 Nxf6; 10. Nxc4 Qc7; 11. a3!,

  "Here we go again with that a3-move? What does White hope to accomplish by playing this?
(The actual game position after 11. a3.)


This will probably lead to the greatest advantage for White.




Also playable is: 11. Be2 0-0; 12.0-0 Rd8;

(Or 12...b6; 13. Rac1 Bb7; 14.Bf3, "+/=")

13. a3 Bf8; 14.b4, "+/=

[ See NCO; pg 415-416, line/row # 4, note # 21. ]





  Why did Black retreat his Bishop?


It seems illogical to retreat and lose time, but Black maintains the 
Bishop pair as his only hope for advantage later in the game.






(If instead Black had played the line below...)

   Black exchanges. He does not lose time, but his position holds little promise.
(Analysis Diagram.)


"After - 11...Bxc3+?!; ('?') 12. Qxc3, "+/="  
{'Plus over an equal sign,' or 'plus over a line.'}

(See the diagram just above.)

... White has a clear advantage. He has more space and 
the much stronger center." {A.J.G.}



(We now return to the actual game.)

12. Be2 0-0; 13. 0-0 Bd7; 14. b4!?, 

[Possibly - '!']

White gains space and restricts Black's freeing move, ... c5.


    "White just ignored his development to play b4. Can you figure out why?"  asks Life-Master A.J.

(Actual game position after White plays 14. b4.)




[ If 14. Rfe1, then 14...c5!;  Black is OK now. ]




14...b6; 15. Bf3, Rac8; 16. Rfd1, Rfd8;

{See the diagram directly below.}

   Both sides have almost completed their development.
(Game Position after 16...Rfd8.)


Both sides mass towards the center.




Or 16...c5; 17. dxc5 bxc5; 18. b5, ("+/=")


  White just played 18. b5. Who is better here and why?
(Analysis Diagram of one of Capablanca's ideas.)


"with a comfortable game for White." - Capablanca. 




17. Rac1 Be8;

(17...Be8 is so that Black can clear the two central files for his Rooks.
Black is a little cramped for space, so he does the best he can.)


  Can you evaluate this position?  ( << Who has more space? Better development? More usable lines for their pieces? Better Pawn Structure? Whose King is safer? >>   ALL of these factors  {and many more!}  must be looked at when trying to determine who is better and why. )
(Actual Game position after 17...Be8.)


Time to evaluate the Opening. White is better. He has more space 
and better central control. His pieces also work better together. 



18. g3, 

White is just a tiny bit better here. ("+/=")

  White just played g3. Can you explain why he is not concerned with the weakening of his light squares all around his King?
(Game Position after White plays 18. g3.)


White insures he will not be mated on the back-rank. 
He also prevents Black intrusions on his f4 square.



[ Or playable was: 18. e4!?,
"+/=" {A.J.G.} ]



18...Nd5; 19. Nb2!?,

  White just retreated his Knight. I am not 100% convinced this is best.  (A.J.G.)

(Game position after 19. Nb2.)


Perhaps an inaccuracy. I see no good reason to withdraw the Knight from the c4-square. In Capa's defense, his excellent positional judgment probably told him that he needed to clear the c-file for his heavy pieces.




[ Perhaps better is: 19. e4 Nxc3; 20. Qxc3 Bg5; 21. Rb1 h6; 
22. Bg2 Qb8; 23. f4 Bf6; 24. Qe3 Qc7; 25. Rbc1, 
and White is just a little bit better here.
("+/=") {A.J.G.} ]




19...Qb8; 20. Nd3 Bg5!;

  What is Black's 'Primary Tactical Threat' after hsi move,  20...Bg5?

(Game position after 20...Bg5!)


"A strong move preventing e4 and 
threatening a sacrifice on e3."  - Capablanca.


21. Rb1,

(White sets a trap.)



(Which Black does not fall for!)



The trap was if Black played 21...Bxe3?;

(Black is hoping white will immediately recapture with the pawn.)

22. Bxd5!,  This is a very nice "in-between" move or Zwischenzug.


(The continuation 22. fxe3?, Nxe3; 23. Qf2, Nxd1; 24. Rxd1 gives Black 
a Rook and TWO pawns for two minor pieces. This was Black's idea.)


(Now after 22. Bxd5!, we have the continuation:) 22. cxd5; 23. fxe3,
and all Black has accomplished is to find a fancy way to drop a piece.



(Now we return to the actual game.)

22. e4!?,

(Actual game position after White plays 22. e4!?)


This helps Black by exchanging pieces and easing 
the cramped condition of Black's army.  




[Maybe better was: 22. Ne2!?]


  (Analysis Diagram.) Analysis of one of A.J.'s ideas. (22. Ne2)  Was this better than what was actually played in the game?
( The position after 22. Ne2. [Analysis Diagram.] )


The idea behind this move (22. Ne4) is to play e4 and force the 
Knight (on d5) to move, WITHOUT allowing any exchanges 
that free Black's position.  


[ A  Master  taught me many years ago that:


"When you have an opponent cramped, you must keep him cramped.
Do NOT  allow too many simple exchanges."

This will eventually dilute your advantage and free 
your opponent's position." {A.J.G.} ]


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  Copyright (c) {LM} A.J. Goldsby I 

  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby, 1995-2008
  Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 2009.  All rights reserved.  

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