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Daily Doings
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Writtern by: Hypergriffin

Some Scammers are smarter than others.Some hackers are just plain dumb. Ive encountered hackers saying give me your password and i wont hack your name. If they can hack why do they need your password in the first place. Some scammers are dumb and say "I have 500 faeries and my shop" when there shop size is only 1.

Some hackers are smart and hack your name change the email adress and then get your password and steal your items,np, and sometimes even your valueables. My friends acount was hacked and he lost over 500,000 np and very very rare items.

He didnt know who did it or how but my friend stopped playing neopets and I asked him why? He said i lost almost all my best items.Its to hard to start over. In the Neopets police guildthey think we're so stupid and tell us to change our email to a certain adress. Well most people know if you enter your username in the forgot your password box on the login page it emails it to the email you your password to the email set to send emails to.

I have encountered many scammers and hackers.Some pretty smart,Some pretty dumb. I have reported many scammers and hackers but I never see them get frozen. Sometimes I wonder if neopets even trys to stop them.