The Anarchy Party

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Our Proposed Constitution

  • There Will Be No More Than Five Laws, Including This One
  • There Will Be No Elections
  • All Governmental and Judicial Systems and Positions Will Be Dissolved
  • Editing of Laws Will Not Be Permitted
  • Creation of Laws Will Not Be Permitted

    Why is this constitution beneficial to you?
    There is absolute freedom. The "Freedom" that most governments offer is limited, as you cannot actually do whatever you want. For example, some hunting is illegal. But here, everything is fine! You can do whatever you want without fear of punishment.
    The present government is forcing people to pay taxes for health care and an ineffectual police force. We propose to abolish all taxes, so the public is freed from the responsibility of funding the government. They can use the added income gained without tax. At the same time, people who are forced to pay for health care that they do not use themselves will not be burdened by it.
    Industrialists, you won't have to pay those radical taxes. Therefore, instead of maybe making only 30% of your gross, you can make 50 - 60% of your gross into net profit, doubling your profits!
    Workers, you won't have to pay those taxes. Because of this, you probably will make an extra 10 - 15% salary than what you are currently making!
    Education will be a choice. If one or his/her parents wish to equip him for a job that requires a certain level of education, he will be educated. In contrast, it is a waste of taxes to educate one who will perform a simple job that requires no external education.
    Labour codes should not be the responsibility of the government, because they usually are uninformed of the situation in factories. Labour codes should be included in an agreement between employer and employee.
    At the moment, cities are already inundated with crime in worse parts of the city. With no taxes, people will be satisfied, and therefore less crime will follow. If people are unsatisfied with their situation and standard of living, rebellion is welcome, as long as it is not destructive. Actually, there has to be an organized government for rebellion, as rebellion is destructive. Therefore, anyone is free to create their own organization in place of anarchy, instead of an election.
    Since there will be no government funding, no money will be given to anyone. This is done because there are no more taxes. Also, no funding for sailors or outside projects that could be of interest to many other European Governments will be given. Scientific projects can be funded by banks.If you feel a certain organization deserves funding, feel free to donate money to them yourselves.
    Everyone has equal opportunity! You can move up easily if you are intelligent and skillful.
    Our policies support both the industrialists and the workers. Industrialists gain the power that will be lacking with an absence of government, but workers will be in much higher demand, therefore getting higher pay.
    Exactly, you said it yourself. All government makes your life difficult, no matter what lies they tell. That is why we are the anarchists; finally you are free to do what you want to do, whether it is to form unions, or other actions. Remember: there is a consequence for each choice that you make.
    Enfranchisement is often a waste of money, for setting up voting booths, and paying people to count votes. Instead, if anyone opposes their condition and government, they should either go to those who are causing the difficulty, or set up their own form of government. For example, if one does not like their working conditions, they may either go to their employer in hope of signing an agreement, or set up their own small society, like a Utopian community.
    If you elect us and do not like our policies, feel free to rebel. In otherwords, YOU make the rules.