NOTE: You can just wait by the back of the truck until the second guard stops on the left (NOT on the right), then begin sneaking up on him and follow him when he goes to the right - just remember to get close to the wall with the darker colored ground before he turns at the end of his route.Again you may be able to just sneak past one or both of these guards but why take chances. Besides you need more ammo for the M-16 right? Go down the alley past the second guard and climb up. Climb up again and sneak forward. There doesn't seem to be any guards around but if you look carefully to the right over the top of the truck there are two guards mulling about in a narrow alley. As you climb off the roof, one of the guards hears you and comes to check it out (I don't think there's any way to avoid this - besides it separates the guards making them easier to get). He proceeds to circle the truck. Hide in front of the truck between the middle of the grill and the right headlight and get him just as he reaches the front (this is really tricky - wait too long and he sees you; go too early and your Taser tips him off to your presence). Now sneak along the passenger's side of the truck and round the left corner to the alley carefully. The second guard is still there but you can stay hidden behind the green boxes, then climb over them, drop down on the other side, sneak behind him and give him a zap. Turn around and continue sneaking forward between the boxes and you overhear Morgan, Falkan, and a guard talking. The guard then comes toward you so hide in the cubbyhole behind you and get behind him after he passes by. He stops pretty quickly and you can zap him for more M-16 ammo (or you can just wait at the corner, stay crouched, and zap him when he gets to you). Continue around the corner. Pass another cubbyhole to receive a message and a new objective as well as a checkpoint (phew!!!). Sneak right toward the chain link fence, check to your left and press the switch to open a large door. Go through and press the other switch on the left to close the door behind you (this may not be necessary - I'm just a cautious fellow). Sneak through the corridor until you reach the plane hangar. Sneak forward to the corner behind the short red columns with grey tops - stay towards the back of the plane. Look towards the front of the plane and you can see the yellow steps leading up to the pilot's seat. You can also barely see the pilot's head above the wing. Get the pilot with a headshot (remain standing so you can do this - climb on top of the red columns to get a better shot) and you complete the objective and get a checkpoint. To sabotage the plane, , got to the back wheels and search under the plane to find F-22 Access Panel. Use Triangle button to check it and sabotage the plane for yet another cleared objective and checkpoint. You radio Teresa to tell her you've done it and learn Gabe is holding his own on the mountain. During the FMV you move back towards the entrance. Suddenly an air force guard approaches. You automatically get to cover by the entrance. Quickly switch to the Taser, wait for him to come past and when he stops go to him and use the Taser. Go back the way you came and open the door. BE CAREFUL!! When you look around the corner there are two guards who approach from the right around the next corner in the alley. Carefully creep to the corner and get the camera angle so you can see them without being seen - you know go close to the corner, look at the wall, and turn right. Wait until one of the guards approaches. When he walks back, sneak up behind him (do not wait until he comes back around to the second guard or they circle together and you cannot take them out - you must then just sneak past them). Take out this guard with Taser, then sneak around the perimeter to get behind the second guard and get him as well.
NOTE: you can by-pass these two guards all together. Just come straight throught he door and go right. Stay behind the first box you come to until both guards enter from the right and go past. Continue forward, go right and on past the truck to the yellow roadblock.Now go to the right (the right that the two guards originally come in from) and continue forward to another truck and lots of boxes. At the first opportunity take out the spotlight ahead of you. As you continue past the yellow roadblock you reach a checkpoint. A truck drives past in the alley ahead of you. Wait for another truck and get alongside it as it drives by - running all the way - to avoid detection by the guards in the alley. Make sure you are running along about midways on the truck. When you pass the cubbyhole ahead on the right, stop and crouch before you get too close to the guard up ahead of you. Now sneak across to the other side of the alley and continue through the passageway with boxes lying around. When you come to a garage area you will see two more trucks inside. Holman and Morgan are walking away and a guard is circling the second truck through the doorway. Just sneak forward to the entrance by the other truck to reach a checkpoint (watch out for that guard - he will stop in the doorway for a few moments then continue circling the truck). A short FMV follows where you hear Holman and Morgan talking. After it ends, sneak out of the cubbyhole, head right and out the doorway. You see Holman walking away with the guard. Sneak up behind them, but stay well to the right and against the wall. Wait for Holman to dismiss the guard then CAREFULLY follow him as you sneak around the boxes. Holman has stopped; approach him for an FMV of Lian interrogating him and you reach a checkpoint and complete the objective. Note that you now have a silenced HK-5. Sneak back into the garage - the guard is now behind the truck in the main garage area - the first one you see on the far wall. Sneak around the back of the truck, get behind him and get him with the Taser. Go past the next truck and into the next corridor with boxes lying around. BE CAREFUL!! A guard is right there walking back and forth. Get in the corner to the right and sneak up on him when he walks away (or stay to left in corridor, stay behind the box as you round the corner, stay crouched behind the box just to the right of the "F" in "USAF" and get him when he walks by). Continue left and go around the corner and to the right. Now you must create a distraction … what to do, what to do?? Sneak up to the green boxes, wait for the guard to make his round (make sure you have Sniper Rifle or HK-5 equipped) then sneak out and take out the spotlight on the other side of the area. You could also run to the other end of the tunnel you were in just before you entered this area and get the spotlight from there but be careful as there are guards on that end as well. Switch to Taser and at the first opportunity take out the guard (back at the end farthest from the spotlight). You may have to hide behind the green boxes again, wait until he moves past while making his rounds, then sneak up behind him as he moves away and get him when he stops between two boxes for a moment or two. Sneak up to the truck and check it to find Truck Ignition. Avoid the guards so they don't see you and be sure to run for cover before the truck goes barreling away and leaves you exposed. Get to the nearest box quickly and the two guards run after the truck. Now's your chance to get into the tower. Run inside to complete the objective and get a checkpoint. Go forward and take a right to get on the elevator. Go up. You overhear a controller talking when you reach the top. QUICKLY, run to the right and zap the guy behind the glass marking map, then run back around and get behind the other guy and zap him too. Turn around and go over towards the glass map and you will see a "switch" on the wall. Go to it to get the Transponder Frequency. You also get another checkpoint and complete another objective. There is a short FMV of you talking to Teresa, then you must go back down in the elevator and get the chopper. Go forward out of the elevator, go left at the end of the hall and then sneak to the corner (where you would go if you had taken a left when you first came in) and you hear Falkan telling the guard to stay. Quickly sneak up behind the guard and get him with your Taser, then equip the Sniper Rifle and take out Falkan with a headshot. Run to the Chopper to complete the mission and save.
NOTE: If you jump down there is an ammo box with a Flak Jacket inside in the damaged car.You begin the mission. Go to the next car but be ready for a fight (be sure your M-16 is equipped). Archer's chopper passes overhead and you can see three RET members jump out onto a flatbed car of the train. Just inch your way forward until you can barely see their heads sticking up and get them with headshots - they won't know what hit them and don't fire a shot unless they happen to see you. Run forward (don't forget to take their ammo). When you get to the next car BEWARE. One of the commandos on the next flatbed tosses grenades at you. Take him out quickly (he's the one on the right - you may have to dodge the grenades) and then get the other one on the left. Next a lone commando attacks as you move forward - he's between the two cars. Take him out then go forward and get the other two that come from the top of the next car. Go forward and two more commandos attack you. As you come forward on the next car you may see two more commandos on the car behind the tanker. If they haven't spotted you yet, take them with headshots from the Sniper Rifle. Don't forget to re-equip the M-16. Come forward to the tanker car. You just might get lucky - drop between the tanker and the next car to see if one of the two you sniped is lying there - take his Flak Jacket. Now go to the next car and move forward for a checkpoint. Move forward to a second tanker car. Two more commandos approach. Duck behind the tower sticking up in the middle of the tanker car and use it for cover to sneak and snipe them. From the top of the next car you should be able to get the commandos on the next flatbed just like you did the ones at the beginning of the mission. Watch out for the tunnel. You may want to wait until you clear it before going on. A commando in the next flatbed lobs grenades and there are two more between the cars. Get the one lobbing grenades quickly with a headshot - he is wearing a Flak Jacket. If you don't go ahead and get the two between the cars they attack you from behind as you move forward on the next flatbed. It's up to you when you want to get them but it might be easier to let them come out in the open - just be ready for them. Otherwise the flatbed is surprisingly empty. Continue forward. You go through a tunnel. Everything goes black and your NVG - Night Vision Goggles - automatically kicks in. At the same time four or five more commandos attack. Get them anyway you can (get them with headshots - they might leave Flak Jackets behind) and go on. As you continue forward one more commando attacks. The next car is uneventful. You advance across three red cars and when you get to another tanker, you get an FMV of a commando coming from behind and blowing up the tanker with a Grenade. You jump to the next car to end the mission and save.
NOTE: When you take out the guy on the right side of the first hill (make sure you have also taken out the guy on the left) you might get lucky; as you inch forward by the cockpit and peak each time with your Sniper Rifle you may see two other commandos in the distance. You can get them with your Sniper Rifle if you are quick, although the second is liable to run for cover before you can zoom in on him.As you move forward there is another commando on the left side and another behind the cockpit who will hide in a hole and lob grenades at you (these are in addition to the two on the right side of the cockpit). If the grenade guy is not already tossing Grenades at you, sneak to the left and use a sneak and snipe tactic to get the commando on the left and then take the grenade guy unawares. If the grenade guy is already tossing grenades then equip Shotgun and rush forward to take out him and the commando on the left quickly. Now move forward past where the grenade guy was - he had 9mm Ammo - and check under the wreckage of what appears to be a wing from the plane. You will find an ammo box that contains Sniper Rifle Ammo. Continue moving forward and to the left over a large hill with bare twisted trees and you can see wreckage from the cargo section of the plane below (looks like a pop can with the top and bottom torn off). As you move past (or through) this part of the plane you are ambushed. Snipers will take head shots at you. Approach from the right (this seems to be the safest as it provides the most cover) then turn and run back to safety when the snipers come out (listen for the enemy commander to signal the ambush). Use the plane section as cover, equip the sniper rifle, and sneak and snipe the snipers. There will be three regular snipers and one behind the next hill that lobs grenades. For the grenade guy, just equip Shotgun and charge forward for a quick kill. Re-equip Sniper Rifle and continue past the next section of open plane, then to the section with the top missing. Continue forward through the wreckage and to the right to find an ammo box that says Data Discs, but don't miss a second ammo box behind this one and in the corner that has M-79. You may want to get the M-79 first, and then check the Data Discs to complete the objective and get a checkpoint. But when you check for the discs they are not there. An FMV follows. Archer has already found the discs. He taunts you for a moment then heads off leaving four commandos behind for your entertainment - guess what, they take headshots. Sneak and snipe them with your choice of weapon (M-79 makes short work of them, just watch your ammo) to get another checkpoint. Now to find Archer and get the discs back. Head back the way you came but be cautious. When you come to the first cargo section you are ambushed, once again by commandos who just love to take headshots. Just go through the plane and crouch behind a portion of it when the ambush starts. It's pretty easy to sneak and snipe the commandos from here. Take them out, about three or four of them (who's counting anyway), to get another checkpoint. Continue forward to get ambushed yet again at the next section of plane. If you go left, you are ambushed with a grenade attack, if you go right snipers who take headshots ambush you, and if you go through the plane you are boxed in by three or four regular commandos equipped with Flak Jackets. The snipers seem to be easiest to handle (but you can try the other approaches at your own risk) as you only get three of them. Just make a U-turn and run into the plane for cover when they come out, then sneak and snipe them for another checkpoint. As you continue forward (you might want to equip M-16 and start running) you can hear a helicopter. Is it Lian? No, it's Archer trying to make a clean getaway. Not a chance. Continue forward to see the chopper lifting off, and as you get closer you can see Archer hanging on underneath. Shoot him with the M-16 until he falls to complete the mission. This is the tricky part. You must get Archer with a headshot to make him fall to the ground, but the chopper is moving and you are so far away. Just keep trying and you will get it. An FMV follows where Logan gets the Discs and Lian picks him up. The Agency manipulates the media to make Logan and Lian fugitives. Teresa can't hack the Syphon Filter Data with the codes on the discs - it seems they are not all there. A plan is hatched to get the rest of the codes to unlock the Syphon Filter Data. This is the end of disc one. Save, press X-button, then WHEN THE GAME TELLS YOU TO, remove disc one and insert disc two.
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