Other SG-Sites
SG-Quake Site:
SG-Socom Site:
SG-Guest Book:
SG Members Sites
Hawkeye SG:
SG Allies
Clan Atomic:
More Links
File Planet:
UT 2003 Site:
Planet Quake:
Planet Unreal:
Planet Medal of Honor:
Planet Wolfenstein:

NightHawk SG
Rattler SG

Mystique SG
Evilzom SG
Souless SG
RatBastard SG
HiredGun SG
YellowRam02 SG

Curlzz SG

The Jester SG
Viper SG
Cracker SG
RedTale SG
DarkS0ulSlayer SG

Xaio SG
Isis SG
Hawkeye SG
Warfare SG
Capone SG
Doom Rebirth SG

Yum SG
Villian2K SG
Evil SG
Lil Myst SG
Dreamscape SG
Megatron SG
Tanksta SG
Blazemore SG
Shadow SG

W][cked SG
Mpower SG
Doomsday SG
HunterX SG
T-Bone SG
Storm SG
BeefyBill SG
ArchAngel SG
Yulaw SG
Mudvayne SG
Marqtock SG
TjTrouble3 SG
Stainless SG
KillaGorilla SG
Jackass SG
Scout SG SG
DylPckl24 SG


To view a members profile clic on his/her name !!

If you would like to become a member of Smokin Guns. Come hang out with us on one of the games we play. Or you can fill out a joins form right now.{It has to be filled out anyway so why wait}.

Our simple Rules>
1:} No member will show any disrespect towards another member, allie, or another fellow gamer it's just plain uncivil.
2:} All new members are required to make a post in the "New Member Postings"
3:} All members are required to post in the "Smokin Guns Forums" on a regular basis. If you do not post for a week, you will be examined for review. If another week passes, then you will be removed from the members page without notice.
Please Note:
You may be exempt if for example, you have personal problems, no PC, or anything that prohibits you to get to our forums. This will have to be resolved with a leader prior the removal of your membership status.
4:} All members joining must have pride in their clan. If you do not want to have pride, why join in the first place? You will be required to TAG SG on any online game you are on. You are not allowed to tag any other clan tags, If you are caught, you will be removed instantly.
5:} CHEATS will never ever be permitted. If caught, you will be removed and publically hummiliated for stooping so low !!!!!

Please keep in mind that we are more then just a killer clan, we are a family!