You'll need a Gameboy Advance or someone who has a silver chao for this to work. Buy a silver egg from the market in the GBA. It'll come randomly. Check the FAQ page to see the percentages of how often each egg will appear.
Next, make your chao a Dark Running type by giving it lots of green drives and animals and raising it a lot (the most) with dark characters. When it metamorphosises, it'll look a little like hyper shadow. The coloring will be off, though. |
According to a website I found, if you breed a silver and gold chao you'll get an obsidian chao. And guess what? Hyper Shadow is obsidian. Raise it to a shadow chao and bingo, you have a Hyper Shadow chao. If the coloring is off, I have a backup plan. Get another obsidian chao and mate it with the other obsidian chao... then your chao will be completely obsidian.
Information Submitted by: Spike the Echidna
First my friend mated his normal colored hero chao (raised on Sonic advance 1) wich had all lvl 99s, with his topaz (rasied in SA2:B) and they gave birth to a one toned topaz. I mated the topaz baby with a shiny red Chao and lucky me it gave me the same coloring (EXACT TONES) as the red Shadow Chao so all i gotta do is get him through the 2nd evolution and I've got one of the rarest chao existing.
Information Submitted By: Really Big Frog