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A lunar gun ship

Building a lunar gun variant

              Some time back I built a lunar with WB's on the prow instead of torpedoes or an NC. I modelled it using some chaos lance batteries but was never really happy with the result. Following some experience of building prows from scratch , I decided to try again using the WB's from a plastic chaos cruiser prow.  The model pictures, fluff and stats can be found at . I felt that this combination would be a far better depiction of the type of armament I was trying to portray. The prow would be the first step. I built the prow using the techniques outlined in the  prow building workshop to be found at , I added the chaos WB's to the top deck and a ram under the bottom deck with added detail behind the ram. The finished article can be seen in fig 1.


lungun1.JPG (17897 bytes)

Having built the prow I wanted, I then had to decide on the hull to mount it on. I decided to give it an "older look by using a vengeance lower hull, plastic cruiser upper hull fittings, a small dauntless bridge and vengeance side wings.. (fig 2) The construction steps are as follows.


lungun2.JPG (76109 bytes)


Using a Dremel or a lot of work with a file, remove the shaded portions of the vengeance mouldings indicated in (fig 3) and trim till the forward lower hull, rear lower hull and the bridging piece fit nicely together. Assemble the parts using super glue and then drill down through the bridging piece into the front and rear hull pieces and pin them together using brass rod. This produces a strong base section to build on. (fig 4)

lungun4.JPG (51623 bytes) lungun5.JPG (27453 bytes)


Cut through the plastic kit on the lines shown (fig 5) This should leave you with 2 upper deck sections as shown in the photo (fig 6). The front hull section has a large hole to it's rear that should be covered with a piece of 0.25 plastic card glued and cut to shape (Fig 6). Glue the forward section to the hull top forward of and touching the metal upper hull section (Fig 7). Glue the rear hull section to the rear lower hull in contact with the metal upper hull section. (Fig 8). Glue the plastic engines in place at the rear of the hull (Fig 9)      

lungun6.JPG (43761 bytes) lungun7.JPG (23000 bytes) lungun8.JPG (36727 bytes) lungun9.JPG (39237 bytes)

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FIG 5 FIG 6 FIG 7 FIG 8 Fig 9

Assemble the prow (fig 1) to the ship assembly (fig 9) . The resultant assembly will have a small gap between the prow and the upper hull assembly. bridge this with a slice of 1mm thick plastic card. The result should look like the photo (fig 10). Glue the vengeance wing sections in place on the lower hull (fig 11). The dauntless bridge can now be glued in place on the plastic rear hull on the same mount used in the plastic cruiser (fig 12). The upper hull can now be detailed. Fill the holes in the plastic cruiser dorsal gun mounts. Add a 0.4 mm plastic card gun deck to the bare metal upper hull piece. Detail this hull with deck detail from plastic off cuts and add anti ordnance turrets made as per the prow article to the upper gun deck and the two dorsal positions. (Fig 12) The final step is to add the side armament from an imperial weapons sprue. (Fig 13)  

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Fig 10 Fig 11 Fig 12 Fig 13

The final assembly is now ready for washing in detergent to remove mould agents. Rinse it thoroughly and allow it to dry, then paint to suit own taste.

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Fig 14 Fig 15 Fig 16

