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birth of a ship
A lunar gun ship
Prow building
Homebrew Ordnance



               Now I realise that many people are just not modellers by nature but there are many who would try if they knew how. A chance conversation with a fellow modeller gave me the idea for a workshop page. A set of pages giving tips and tricks on my modelling world and in particular , BFG ships.


                           As with most skills the essential element is the tools you use. Keep the tools in good condition and they will serve you well for many years. The basis of my own collection is

1 Stanley general purpose cutter for heavy work.

3 scalpel type knives. Find the knife that suits you, is comfortable to use and you feel safe with. I always start work with a fresh blade in one of the scalpels and as I change that blade I graduate it through the other two, so I go from razor sharp to ready for the bin and I use each blade for different purposes . ie light to heavy work= sharp to blunt.. ?=0)

wire snips.

Bull nose pliers with smooth faces

Heavy pliers with smooth faces

Small tube cutter for plastics.

pin vice

large selection of drills from 0.3 to 2.0 mm in a minimum 0f  0.1 mm steps.

PVA glue

styrene cement

super glue

large supply of elastoplasts. 

If you get serious about converting and scratchbuilding a Dremel type electric drill is an essential. You can work without one but it's damned hard work. I have a standard dremel with a LOT of attachments and a small low speed minidrill for working with plastics.

Up birth of a ship A lunar gun ship Prow building Homebrew Ordnance