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born to serve

The following are the organisations that are attached to the various higher echelon TOEs.


The Artillery company

                               Imperial artillery units have standard organisations and are readily transferable from division to division or brigade to brigade etc.the standard TOE is:-

artcmp1.jpg (82598 bytes)  artcmp2.jpg (91168 bytes)

Artillery company HQ

                                     2 x command elements + apc

artcom1.jpg (91024 bytes) artcom2.jpg (90952 bytes)

                                     6 x observer groups

artobs1.jpg (89858 bytes) artobs2.jpg (89339 bytes)


2 x Medium artillery battery

                                    3 x Basilisk motorised artillery

   artbat2.jpg (30067 bytes)    artbat1.jpg (32086 bytes)


1 x Heavy artillery battery

                                   3 x bombard motorised artillery

hartbat1.jpg (27548 bytes) hartbat3.jpg (28854 bytes) hartbat2.jpg (25246 bytes)




Missile company HQ

                                  2 x command elements + apc

artcom1.jpg (91024 bytes) artcom2.jpg (90952 bytes)

                                   6 x observer groups

artobs1.jpg (89858 bytes) artobs2.jpg (89339 bytes)



1 x heavy MRLS batteriy

                                   2 x Hellfire armoured MLRS

MR1.JPG (33037 bytes) MR2.JPG (39475 bytes) MR3.JPG (29128 bytes)

1 x Medium MLRS battery

                                    3 x Manticore armoured MLRS

mant1.jpg (30285 bytes) mant2.jpg (23976 bytes)

1 x Light MLRS battery

                                    3 x whirlwind armoured MLRS

recmrls1.jpg (27953 bytes) recmrls2.jpg (31973 bytes)

support tank companies

 2 x command elements + apc

artcom1.jpg (91024 bytes) artcom2.jpg (90952 bytes)


                          anti tank troop:-        3 x Vanquisher tank hunters

 vanq1.jpg (24369 bytes) vanq2.jpg (22370 bytes)

                   close support troop:-        3 x Executioner tanks

 exec1.jpg (29893 bytes) exec2.jpg (24217 bytes)

      light artillery support troop:-        3 x Conqueror tanks

 conq1.jpg (22596 bytes) conq2.jpg (21857 bytes)

