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Latest battle report from the pilgrims way incident



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DRDPATt.jpg (64081 bytes) DRDWARPT.JPG (72624 bytes) GOODBYT.JPG (86754 bytes) MAMBA2.JPG (79170 bytes) INVPIC.JPG (85501 bytes)
SEARCHSQ.JPG (66397 bytes) TARGET.JPG (37352 bytes)      

Snapshots Of Golgotha       


                          intrcept.jpg (65196 bytes)


INTERCEPTORS AWAY- Sensors show multiple incoming

                         niceday.jpg (50906 bytes)           intodang.jpg (29702 bytes)

HAVE A NICE DAY.. The sensors weren't kidding

                        heavies.jpg (44745 bytes)         hvy2.jpg (54993 bytes)

POCKET BATTLESHIPS RULE OK??- The pocket battleship leonidas and escorts head into harms way

                          smallshp.jpg (15661 bytes)        litshp.jpg (29831 bytes)     patrol.jpg (10595 bytes)

SMALL SHIPS BIG HEARTS-- The small ships and workhorses of the fleet. The admirals eyes.

                         oldies.jpg (52226 bytes)           oldies2.jpg (54058 bytes)

A CLUTCH OF OLD TIMERS-- Some of the older style vessels of the fleet.

                       carya.jpg (24267 bytes)   carya2.jpg (19529 bytes)     carya3.jpg (19397 bytes)

INCUBATOR AND SIDEKICK-- An "Incubator" class light carrier and "Chevalier" class lance armed cruiser escort hurry to join the fleet.


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