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pilgrims way

Lightening strike at pilgrims way

 The Following pictures were taken by GNN news reporters fortunate to be present when an empire carrier group ambushed the rebel carrier group ark imperial as it emerged from the warp gate "pilgrims way" in the Adams Rib system.  

The Imperial force consisted of  The group carrier IMS Hermes, the dreadnought, IMS Emperors Reach, The battleship IMS Iron Lady, the Overlord class Battlecruiser Patton these were accompanied by two squadrons of three cobras.    

The secessionist carrier group Ark Imperial consisted of the fleet carrier Ark imperial, The battleship DivineJjudgement (an NC armed retribution) The victory class battleship Imperial Will, The revenge class pocket battleship IMS Take That, The Krieger class battlecruiser Karl Franz and two squadrons of three cobras

The battle was fast and furious. The rebels tried to close the gap and engage the Imperials head on but the imperial nerve held despite the two massive ordnance waves flung at the gun line and the line was maintained. As the rebels closed Admiral Schlimmer launched a massive retaliatory strike built over two turns that isolated the pocket battleship revenge and the Divine judgment in turn . both ships were pummeled and crippled. The revenge was hulked and the Retribution seeing no escape disengaged. the rebels launched one last major strike from the ark imperial of some 30 squadrons but when this failed to substantially damage the imperial ranks the carrier and its remaining companions disengaged and hit the warp gate to Sion 5.    


P1010011.JPG (93356 bytes) P1010012.JPG (88346 bytes) P1010013.JPG (93649 bytes)

The rebels deploy

 on emerging from the gate

The imperials advance behind an ordnance screen

The Rebel ordnance

 first strike 

P1010014.JPG (87351 bytes) P1010015.JPG (95792 bytes) P1010016.JPG (83702 bytes)

Successive rebel

 waves founder

The Imperial strike

 hits the revenge

The revenge is hulked

 by the Imperial gun line

P1010017.JPG (84543 bytes) P1010018.JPG (84531 bytes) P1010019.JPG (93749 bytes)
The Gun line turns it's attention to the Divine Judgment as the hulk drifts away The Divine Judgment comes under the Imperial guns The last desperate rebel strike heads for the iron lady

In strict BFG terms both fleets were illegal consisting principally of battleships but that is after all the way of campaigns. It was a sheer delight in terms of ordnance deployed and total firepower. The rules were basic BFG plus my own carrier and ordnance rules. The game was played on a 6x4 on my terrace. It started in broad daylight and ended as dusk fell. My nephew Simon who played the rebels was heard to mutter something about having to slink off into the darkness and unlucky dice rolls but that may just have been wishful thinking on my part.
