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Exile prows Lateral thrusters S.M. TF. Overlord BC

Inspired by that film from Exile..

                          Some time back I downloaded the film clips from Exile films. Great stuff. if you have a fast netlink then get this, it's really inspiring. The imperial cruiser had a wonderful plain, solid prow. A "real" armoured prow. I loved it and decided to build a model with just that style. I took several layers of 3mm plastic card and glued them together. When dry I started to carve. I got it right on attempt two. I like it. How about you??? the ship is a standard tyrant with nova cannon.

exile1.jpg (27675 bytes)    exile2.jpg (13669 bytes)      exile3.jpg (19666 bytes)       exile4.jpg (14787 bytes)



                      Some time back I designed a ship called the "Guardian Angel". It was a unique vessel designed as killer for hunting commerce raiders. It was  a light cruiser up-engined for speed and weapons strength but it's crowning glory was the addition of lateral thrusters, which gave it automatic success on come to new heading orders. Here are some pics showing the conversion. The stats are in the cruiser file. The lateral thrusters were made from the weapon mounts of a sword.

gdang3.jpg (28329 bytes)            gdang1.jpg (31452 bytes)          gdang2.jpg (16790 bytes)  


tfsm1.jpg (44836 bytes)

A space marine task force heads for Paradise in the Eden system

Now that's a Battle cruiser

                                  On many occasions I have expressed my view that just placing gun mounts on the dorsal of a plastic cruiser makes it a battlecruiser. Where does the power come from etc. I have therefore always attempted to make my BC's meatier, more powerful looking. This Overlord gets as near to my idea or impression of a BC as possible. 

   exilovr1.jpg (30061 bytes) exilovr2.jpg (23973 bytes) exilovr3.jpg (21593 bytes) exilovr4.jpg (18639 bytes) 

The model was built around a basic plastic cruiser kit. 

  1. Carve off the prow 

  2. Carve away the engine tubing etc back to the where the hull starts for real. 

  3. Cut the wings from a dauntless weapons mount and pin and glue it below the bulge in the hull that the plastic wings slide under.

  4. Cut the rear of the plastic wings and the wings themselves to fit the rear of the hull and to slide in behind and butting upto the metal wings. Fix in place

  5. Take two plastic engines and cut away two engine tubes on one side of each. Glue resultant flat faces together to make an 10 tube rather than 7 tube engine

  6. Cut an octagonal piece of 1mm plastic card to fit the size of the engines. this will form a bulkhead between engines and  hul.l 

  7. Glue engines to bulk head and bulk head to hull so that the engine is four tubes wide by three tubes high.

  8. Make two blast shields to suit your taste from 1mm thick card and embellish with framing from 0.5mm card. glue to sides of bulkhead.

  9. Now for the hard bit carve a new, larger prow to suit. I used 4 layers of 2mm plastic card and then cut the general shape and then whittled.

  10. Add mouldings from plastic scraps to prow. Glue to front of cruiser hull. 

  11. Add the bridge and guns mounts. I used an imperial bridge and chaos guns as the guns are so much meatier looking.

  12. Paint to suit!!!  

That's the job complete.

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