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hvy tank bat


The earth moves and the houses tumble.

Fear us for we are mighty.

motto of the imperial tank corps.


The heavy tank battalions are the crushing maw of the Imperial armoured divisions. Equipped with super heavy tanks these earthshakers are the battering ram supported by their integral artillery and power armoured support troops.

Battalion HQ company

                    Command platoon:-      1 x command element + rhino apc

                                                          1 x psyker unit + rhino apc

                                                          1 x political officer + rhino

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              close support platoon:-     3 x art obs

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                                                         3 x thunderer armoured heavy artillery

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power armour infantry platoon:-     8 x power armour inf sections

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2 x Attack armour companies.

                                                         3 x Chieftain Super heavy tanks

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1 X Assault armour company

                                             3 x Challenger super heavy tanks

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