Q Can my farseer or warlock have more than 1 psychic power?
A Your warlock can have only one psychic power, but your farseer can have up to four if you can afford the points.
Q What is the rule for skimmers and open-topped vehicles when you work out the result of a glancing or penetrating hit?
A For open-topped vehicles, you add 1 to the result. With skimmers, if you Immobilise the vehicle, it crashes.
Q If a Grav Tank (or any other skimmer) moves over 6 inches, can my enemies still penetrate it?
A No, it can only be glanced if it moved 6 inches or more in the moving phase before your turn.
Q Are there any other special rules for Eldar skimmers?
A Jetbikes can also move an extra 6 inches in the assault phase whether the unit is within charging range or not. If You move a jetbike more than 12 inches, then they have an invunerable save. For more information on invunerable saves, see below. A Vyper or Grav Tank can no longer receive a penetrating hit if the unit has moved 12 inches or more during the last turn.
Q What is an invunerable save?
A An invunerable save is a save that a unit can take, regardless of the weapon used against it. For example, If you used a Bright Lance on an Avatar, the Bright Lance would normally take a wound off straight away because it has an AP of 2 and the Avatar has a save of 5+. The Avatar's invunerable save allows him to make a 5+ save.
Q If you put some units into a Grav Tank, Fire Prism or Wave Serpent, do the units get a save if the vehicle if destroyed?
A Yes, they get a 4+ save.
Q What happens if you roll a six when rolling to hit with a Ranger Long Rifle?
A The shot is AP 1 which means if it wounds, it inflicts instant death if the unit has one wound. If the unit has more than one wound, it automatically takes a wound off of the unit. If the unit has an invunerable save, it may take this save.
Q I've heard that there's a special rule for the Bright Lance. What is it?
A Yes, there is a special rule. The Bright Lance has the ability to bring any vehicle's armour that is higher than 12 down to 12, so that it glances on a 4 and penetrates on a 5.