Freeware Download

Free! You can find some of the programs that I have written for download. The programs here may be redistributed freely--even with other software.

[ Finger Ping Application ] [ Trigonometric Curves ] [ Random Student Selector ]


This program was written in Visual C++ as a Win32 application. It allows the user to do a ping or finger a user. As shown in the screen shot below, I have pinged myself first before making a finger.

Finger Ping Application

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This program was written almost entirely in C++. It demonstrates the use of Win 32 APIs in C++ functions for user interfaces. Trigonometric Curves displays the curves of the main trigonometric functions : Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Arc Sine, Arc Cosine, Arc Tangent, Hyperbolic Sine, Hyperbolic Cosine and Hyperbolic Tangent. It is suitable for students who are studying trigonometric functions as it helps them to visualize how the curves look like. You can also save the curves as bitmap files or clear the curves display. Most curves are plotted with the x-axes starting from -PI(-3.14) to +PI (+3.14).

Below are two screen shots.

Trigonometric Curves 1

Trigonometric Curves 2

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This program will select students from the class to answer a question. The number of times the students have been called is recorded, as well as if the student manages to answer the question (whether right or wrong), so that those who have been called less often will have a higher probability of being called the next time.

Program file download to be put up later.

Screen shot:

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