You know, I've been asked before whether or not any of these girls are friends of mine...............  
~~~ Friday Fantasy 9 ~~~  

...And my answer to that question comment.
(Secret #9)

Always check your captions

Unfortunately, in the latest sequel in the "Friday Fantasy" series, your live in girl-friend has left you for a guy with a nicer car. But this is not as bad as it seems, because now you're officially a free man and you can play with any girl you choose!
Take on the role of a single, swinging player ready for love in a plethora of fully rendered, 3-D environments that would make Leisure Suit Larry piss all over his 2-dimensional pants!

Check out the screen shots:

Everybody loves lesbians. Yummy. Do you know who I am? You can expect to meet plenty of `serious' girls along the way This is for you Beth! `Hey, Is that Jenny McCarthy up there?  She is a fox!'

The Ninth Key Is: "Strawberry Princess"

Are the comments for the first two pictures just a bunch of gibberish, or do they mean something?
