~~~ Wonder Square ~~~

Welcome to the Wonder Square. No, there's nothing new here. Yes, I am a slacker. Yes, I am extremely busy (both academically and socially). I am, however, currently working on the "ultimate" Magical Drop 3 FAQ which has an associated Translation Project. And...I hereby promise to complete the Wonder Quest within the next few months.

Table of Contents:
-Wonder Quest
-The Book of Seven
-Wizard's Lair Arcade
-The Library of Shade
-Final Fantasy Deathmatch
-Fun Corner
-Who Is Shade7x?
-Link Me

(This page was last updated on: August 13, 2000)

  ©©©  Wonder Quest  ©©©  

   There are legends that speak of worlds and treasures beyond anything presently known. Long ago there existed a multitude of parallel universes that connected with each other in a nexus of harmony. Each world, however, soon grew jealous of the others, and eventually a massive war erupted. Fearing the annihilation of all creation, the council of wizards brought their magical powers together to destroy all links between the dimensions and seal them away into seperate realities.
   Welcome to Wonder Quest. The time has come for you to seek out the deepest and darkest secrets of this place. Should you decide to embark on the adventure, you will follow the trails that the League of Mages has left behind and try to piece together the answers you were never intended to know. It won't be easy, and answers will probably not come quickly, but should you persevere and succeed, your perception of this website will be changed forever.
   To begin your quest: Start by seeking out the 10 secret links that are found here on this main page. They are disguised in ways that you would not expect, and they can only be found through clever searching. Each secret link will lead you to a secret area that will often hold something funny, useful, or just plain weird. At the bottom of each of these pages you will find a magical phrase known as a "key". It has been said by a famous wizard that keys are what drives everything forward. The more keys you know, the more powerful you will become.
   You can E-mail me a list of keys as you find them to receive *points*. Send all entries to: Shade7x@yahoo.com, and include the phrase "Wonder Quest" in the subject, please.
   If you can find at least 1 key you will be given a rank and included in the Champion's List here. The more links you find, the higher the rank you will be assigned.
   Good luck.

-Important notes for the Wonder Quest (updated 8/31/00):
-You must be using Microsoft Internet Explorer to be able to complete Wonder Quest.  Netscape Navigator and WebTV may not be able to access all of the links.
-You may be required to download and run a program during the quest. I'm not sure if WebTV can do this or not.
-Please do not send the keys one at a time. Instead, just create a list and fill them in as you find them. Just mail the list whenever you decide to take a break from playing so your score can stay updated.
-I am in college now, which means that everything else has taken a back seat to both my classes and various social responsibilities. Do not get offended if it takes me a while to update this list. I will still try to get around to it at least once a week.

Legendary Adventurers
Wizard Lord
Wizard Lord
Wizard Lord
Super Saiyajin 10
Wizard Lord
Wizard Lord
Wizard Lord
Banana Girl
Mage Elite
Mage Elite
Mage Elite
Acid Flames
Mage Elite
Cloud Leonheart
Legendary Adventurers
Sunny Lin
Harbinger of War
Johnny Eagle
Tiphiny Hite

Rank Chart
Keys Found Class Earned
1 - 3
4 - 6
7 - 9
10 - 14
15 - 19
Mage Elite
20 - 24
25 - 29
Wizard Elite

~ The Book of Seven ~

Great news everyone! The Wonder Square now has a message board that actually kicks ass instead of getting its ass kicked! We like to call it the Book of Seven, and you can check out all the goodies we have there by slapping your cursor on the link above.

$$$ Wizard's Lair Arcade $$$

Welcome to the official game nexus of the Wonder Square. Deep inside the subterranian bowels of this mysterious place, thousands upon thousands of mages are working constantly to bring you the finest collection of free games anywhere in the universe. Enjoy.

(Please note that you must download your FREE Webthings plug-in before the Zombie Den will work. Click here.)

The Zombie Den
The Zombie Theater Here, the zombie production company works day and night to entertain you with their hilarious South Park Webthings.
The Zombie Game Room You've been granted a VIP pass to the Wizard's Lair and now you can experience the same entertainment that the zombies do! Kick back and play a game of Frogger or Rubix Cube. Or just pipe a few notes with Link from The Legend of Zelda!

Downloadable Games
Size          Author
CoolQuest 2 When Dr. Evil kidnaps your princess, you must journey to the Darkworld to rescue her in this fun side-scrolling action game. In this demo you can play through part of the first level, "The Forest of Pain". 2.35 MB Shade7x
Hero Hero is a 16 color dungeon adventure game featuring 52 randomly generated levels. You play the Hero, and must fight monsters, discover treasure, equip weapons and armor, and learn to cast powerful magic spells. 360 KB Brad Miller
Bruce's Quest The crystals of the world are being hoarded by an evil organization known as the Purists. When they destroy Bruce's hometown, he sets out to stop them and get revenge. Guide him through an assload of locations in this overhead action game.
600 KB ColdFusion
Skull Man Skullman is your basic Pac-Man remake. You control a dude running around in some silly mazes eating dots while ghosts try to beat your ass. However, this has got to be the only Pac-Man I've ever seen where you have to fight an end boss with a lazer rifle.
779 KB Michael Hoffman

Online Games

Vagabond's Quest

Create a character from 7 different classes (Fighter, Paladin, Priest, Psionic, Thief, Tracer, Wizard), and enter a world full of epic battles, evil monsters, creepy dungeons, and magical treasure. Adventure through tons of detailed and engaging quests or combat other players in the battle arena; either way you'll have a blast. You can enter the game immediately by filling out the form above. (Free Play / No downloads)

The Library of Shade

I write a lot.
I guess it's just in me.
Sometimes I write because I'm happy, sometimes I write because I'm angry, sometimes I write because I'm just bored.
Here you will find a small sampling of my works. I write short stories, poetry, some non-fiction, and I'm working on a few novels. Most of my better pieces I refrain from posting for fear of plagurism and theft, but what I do have here still of fair quality. If you like what you read, feel free to write me and let me know.

The Enshadowed Dungeon of Wonder
Eventually we all visit that enshadowed dungeon of wonder,
if only to watch for a while as the angels battle the nightmares eternal,
weaving their cosmic dance upon the shores of paradise,
and forever veiled in thier mask of scattered starlight.

Year and Age Written
The Desert of the Deep Sometimes when it seems that you have nothing left, the only thing you can do is fight, even if the outcome is inevitable. 1995 / 13
End Game The world is destroyed by the ultimate evil and a hero rises to the challenge in this prelude to an epic quest. 1999 / 17

Year and Age Written
Shade's USC Orientation Day This is a true account of my first real exposure to the University of South Carolina and what college is all about. I tell it in present tense so the reader can really get a feeling for what it was like to be there inside my head. So far, it's received a large amount of acclaim. 2000 / 17

File Type and Size
Angel Groove This is a silly little piano diddly I wrote with my spare time. I think it's too melodious and upbeat, but I've been told it's nice, so I decided to put it up. Midi / 22K

    The Final Fantasy Deathmatch    

Quarter-Final Match #1
Quarter-Final Match #2
Quarter-Final Match #3
Quarter-Final Match #4
Semi-Final Match #1
(Story Update #1)
Semi-Final Match #2
(Story Update #2)
The Final Battle

    The Fun Corner    

!!! Warning, the following movie trailer has been rated: HIGHLY OFFENSIVE by the NFA !!!

(In that really deep and ominous voice that narrates ALL movie trailers):
''This winter, you'd better pray to God for forgiveness because Samuel L. Jackson is...(dramatic pause)...Jesus Christ.''
(Fly in shot of Sam with a bald head and a large gold earing in one ear)
Sam: ''What's my name?''
''That's right. God's son is no longer a meek, humble savior ready to take your sins upon him. He's come to Earth to kick some ass in the name of his father.''
(Jesus (Sam) strodes into the barn where Mary, Joeseph, and him had stayed on that first night)
-Jesus: ''Remember me!? Remember ME!? I'm the damn baby you made stay in your barn, you punk ass!''
-Clerk: ''I....i...i..''
-Jesus: ''That's right. You'd better respect!''
(proceeds to throw clerk across room)
(end scene, begin narrator's voice)
''You'd better go confess.''
(scene of Jesus shooting Roman official with a Semi-automatic .45)
''You'd better ask forgiveness.''
(scene of Jesus Tai-Kwan-Do'ing some random thug)
''You'd better not break the commandments.''
(scene of huge explosion and Jesus running and jumping out just in time)
''Because sin just got a new price tag.''
(Jesus bursts into the temple where they are selling birds illegally in his father's name with an enraged look on his face)
-Jesus (packing 2 fully automatic Uzi machine guns): ''Repent mother fuckers!'' (Proceeds to waste the place)
(new scene)
(Jesus is holding up Judas Iscariot by the throat.)
-Judas: ''Jesus, come on. Be resonable. You know I would never double-cross you. You're Gods son!''
-Jesus: ''You turned me in for 30 pieces of SILVER! I'm not even worth GOLD to your cheap ass! Do realize what you've done!?''
-Judas: ''Fine. I do! Now Pilate will come arrest you and you'll be crucified!''
-Jesus: ''Over my dead body.'' (Takes the 30 silver pieces and shoves them down Judas' throat.)
(new scene)
-Pontius Pilate (sitting on his throne with a royal air): ''Ha, you claim to be God's son!? If you are God's son then show us your power now. Prove it to us.''
-Jesus: ''I was hoping you'd ask that. Time to get medival on you bitches.'' (Launches into a roundhouse kick and uses the decending blade of a nearby guard to cut his bonds)
(Jesus proceeds to kung-fu his way away from 27 fully armed guards and climb to a nearby window.)
-Jesus: ''I'll be back Pilate. I'll be back.'' (vanishes through window)
(end scene, begin narrators voice)
''This Christmas, Jesus is one bad mutha in....Bible Story: Sinners Beware.
Note: This film is not yet rated. Opens December 25th, 2000.''


Fukémon = Funny shit
Haunter120 left a message for me about some Pokémon parody site and I grudgingly checked it out (I hate Pokémon crap). But it turns out that it is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time on the internet! It is absolutely hilarious. Be sure to check out the link below (remember that the site uses the Flash plug-in), and watch Mewtew's Pimpin' Adventure for your first cartoon:

-You are guaranteed to be offended:
Think you've seen offensive material on the internet before? Think again. Check out this insane ass link: http://www.co.jyu.fi/~np/rpg/DnD/
This guy must be crazy, right? Or is he? Be sure to check the site carefully before you decide.

-Quality Games From Triangle Soft:

Friday Fantasy 8:
An epic porn surfing adventure built on the theme of love.

You are Skeet Monkeyheart and are on a quest to find the legendary "free porn site". Along
the way you will face deadly pop-ups and blind links at every turn. Conniving pay-sites
will ambush you when you least expect it and the assualt of spam e-mail will haunt you
forever. Beware, brave soul, of clever banners and "free trials". Both are merely traps set
for the inexperienced porn hunter.
But if you persevere and give it all you have, you too might uncover a treasure trove of
jpegs and mpegs and one day be able to "junction" your "gunblade".
Brought to you by TriangleSoft (makers of "Clarissa's Mysterious Dungeon" and the upcoming
"Bounce Her" for the JoyStation 2 game console.)

(and coming soon to a game machine near you...)

-(Friday Fantasy Tactics)-

That's right FF fans. Our faithful hero Skeet Monkeyheart from Friday Fantasy 8 is back, but this time he's not getting his girls off the internet, he's actually got a real live-in girlfriend! Unfortunately, this now opens up a whole new world of strategic considerations. Consider your new quest:

-Fight epic and drawn out arguments with your beloved, ranging from quick skirmishes over leaving the lights on to amazing wars over why you didn't come home last night.
- Recieve over 2,000 quests to accomplish, ranging from "going to the store to pick up some pads" to the very scary "getting a job".
- 19 different PMS classes ranging from "mildly irrate" to "RUN AWAY WHILE YOU STILL CAN"
- Deep customization options
- Only on the Joystation game console

"...Friday Fantasy Tactics is so much like having a real relationship, I ended up putting a couple of holes in my apartment walls from frustration." - Super-Fly Gaming World

Brought to you by TriangleSoft, makers of these other very fine (and very politically incorrect) gaming products:

*** Dynamite Eve ***: An evil virus is turning all of the Earth's lovely ladies into horrible, evil Linda Tripp clones. It's up to you to eradicate the virus and save our women!

-*** Chrono Nigga' ***: You're a fast talking street pharmacist with the ability to travel through time. Go back and save your hommies from bad drug deals while busting caps in all who oppose you. Aquire 7 different classes of crack-hoes in your epic quest to make some $.

....TriangleSoft.....making the most offensive games.......Ever.

Am I a Dark Knight?  ~~ Who Is Shade7x? ~~  Or am I a Paladin?

I am Shade7x.
If you've ever been curious about just who I am or what I look like, then visit my new profile page by clicking on the header above.

Link Me

(Your prime source for all things video game related, in addition to being one of my main internet hangouts. Go here for more information about this webpage and to discuss various topics that you find here.)

~~~ Classic Gaming.com ~~~
(An awesome emulation site for older games (including Neo-Geo!). It's a great place to find rare stuff.)

~~~ Foxtrot.com ~~~
(Everyone knows that Foxtrot rules, and now you know Bill Amend's official website where you can go catch up on the latest comics, buy merchandise, play games, and do lots of other fun things.)

~~~ Romp.com ~~~
(What was that? Have you already not downloaded and used Napster?! Shame on you! This is the greatest MP3 program ever! Download it today and become part of the largest MP3 sharing community on the internet and join us in giving Metallica the middle finger!)

Link Exchange Program:
Do you have a quality website? Want to link exchange with us? Just put a link to the Wonder Square on your site and then send me an e-mail letting me know and giving me your address, and I will link back to you site ASAP.

  Amy'z Factory of Fun  
   Supermist's Homepage  
  RougeWarrior's Domain  
  The Fish Bowl  
  CryWriSon's Pimping Services  
Your Site Here
Your Site Here
Your Site Here

E-mail me at: Shade7x@yahoo.com