*** Quarter-Final Match #1 ***


-Sephiroth: Cecil, before we begin, there's something you should know.
-Cecil: What?
-Sephiroth: You are not really human. You were created in a lab 5 years ago by Dr. Hojo. You are nothing more than my clone.
-Cecil: Oh no! Really?
-Sephiroth: No. Not really. (Surprise attack and first blood)
-Cecil: Arghh!
-Distant voice: Cecil! Use the crystal! You must reveal his true form!
(Cecil raises the crystal high into the air with a triumphant look on his face.)
(Nothing happens.)
-Sephiroth: .....? What's your problem chump?
-Cecil: Oh, darn. It worked last time. Oh well. (Slash- minimal damage.)
-Sephiroth: Puny mortal. Jenova is forever! You cannot hurt me.
(Massive counter attack by Sephiroth- minimal damage)
-Sephirtoh: Huh? What happened? Why didn't I hurt you?)
-Cecil: Adamant Armor baby! All that 32-bit power and you don't even have a suit of super armor like me. Bet you're wishing there was a Pink Puff or two around here, huh?
-Sephiroth (with growing frustration): No matter. Eat dust.
(Uses ''Super Nova'')
-Cecil: Oh god no! The horror! Someone help me!!!

And so begins the animation for Sephiroth's SuperNova.
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And it goes on...
And then, many, many, many, many years later the animation for the unbelievably long spell finally ends. But wait! Oh no!
It's been too long! Cecil has died of old age while waiting for the battle to resume! Poor thing!

-Sephiroth: Foolish humans. None of you have the lifespan to withstand my SuperNova. Why not just surrender now?

-With a cheap trick: Sephiroth advances.

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