~ Final Fantasy Deathmatch 2000 ~



-Ref. Mills Lane: "Alright, I want a good clean fight. And there better not be any cheesy, rushed endings either! Now let's get it on!"
(Squall draws his Lionheart)
(Sephiroth draws his Masamune)
-Sephiroth: "Your ascention is at an end mortal. Prepare to return to the life stream.
-Squall: "Life...stream? I don't think so. I'm not going anywhere."
-Sephiroth: "So you believe."
(Sephiroth charges in with a low, twisting slice. Squall is forced to take a step back and stab his blade downward to intercept the blow, but Sephiroth continues the assault by sliding his Masamune up the length of the gunblade and toward Squall's face. Only by hurling himself backwards does Squall escape death.)
(Sephiroth doesn't relent though, and leads in with a series of quick, agile slices. Because of his inbalance, Squall is barely able to parry these thrusts and soon ends up with a number of minor nicks. His patience is rewarded though, as Sephiroth realizes too late that he cannot safely reverse his forward momentum. As Sephiroth falls to the ground and rolls to the side to disengage, Squall is able to line up a clumsy attack. The flat end of Squall's gunblade connects with Sephiroth's ribs and the pair fall away from each other bearing minor wounds.)
(Again and again the two lock up in a flash of ferocious sword play and drop back with a few new injuries. Neither fighter scores any major hits and the battle begins to seem as if it will never end.)
-Sephiroth: "Hmmm....not too bad. You are almost as acomplished as I am in the art of combat. It's such a shame you must perish."
-Squall: "Those who live by the sword die by it wicked creature. If you come at me, you shall be the one to fall."
-Sephiroth: " `Wicked creature'? And what have I done to earn that distinction?"
(Lashes out with the Masamune. It is deflected.)
-Squall: "Don't play dumb. I know all about you and your evil ways. It ends here!"
-Sephiroth: "I do believe you are mistaken."
(Squall attempts a critical slashing attack, but Sephiroth steps out of the way of the assault just in time, countering with a deadly slice of his own. Squall falls to the ground, critically wounded.)

-Sephiroth: "Now you understand the true power of Jenova. A boy like you could never hope to match its everlasting energy."
-Squall: "Ughhh....Stupid gunblade....I guess this is the end."
-Sephiroth: "That's just too bad...such a promising warrior too...doomed from the start. Good-bye Squall."
(Uses SuperNova)
-Squall: "No!"

(Spell is cancelled.)
Sephiroth: "What? Impossible! How has my magic been nullified?! What is going on!?"

-Mysterious voice: "Cecil! The people of Earth are praying for you! We won't let you lose!"
-Squall: "Huh?"
-Mysterious voice: "It's me, FuSoYa! I'm here with your brother Golbez to help you."
-Squall: "What are you talking about? I'm not Cecil. He's already been defeated."
-FoSoYa: "Cecil, defeated? You mean we're late? Oh no!"
-Golbez: "Damn it FoSoYa, I told you we didn't have time to stop for gas. Now look what you've done."
-FoSoYa: "Well what did you want to do?! Break down on the way over here? Maybe if you hadn't spent so long deciding what flavor of Gatorade you wanted, we could have made a little more haste!"
-Golbez: "Speaking of Haste, maybe if you hadn't used the last of your MP on that damned Ice spell, then we could have used Haste to help us get over here!"
-FoSoYa: "You ass! You never installed the air conditioner on the Big Whale! What did you want me to do, burn up? It's all your fault. You were the one who insisted that we fill the tank up with gas! Jesus Christ! Do you have any idea how much gas the Big Whale can hold?! I spent almost 70000 GP!!!"
-Golbez: "Well if you had just..."
-Sephiroth: "BOTH OF YOU, SHUTUP!"
-Squall: "Yeah, really. Can't you two go somewhere else and argue?"
-Golbez: "Well we didn't come all this way for nothing. Here you go Squall: CURE 4!"
-Squall: "Cure 4? What the hell is that? You mean Curaga?"
-Golbez: "No, I mean Cure 4. And why does your sword have a trigger on it?"
-Squall: "Because it's a gunblade. Now leave!"
-FuSoYa: "A gun...blade? Why would you put a gun on a sword?"
-Squall: "Because I can pull the trigger and cause extra damage you idiots. Now leave me alone!"
-Golbez: "So the blade shoots off? Doesn't that cause problems? How do you retrieve your blade once it comes off?"
-FuSoYa: "Excellent point Golbez, although I seriously doubt that the blade shoots off. Maybe it just detaches partially? Hmmm... I must admit that I fail to understand this whole `gunblade' concept. I don't see how putting a trigger on a sword is going to automatically cause more damage."
-Squall: "You don't have to understand! It just does! And it looks really neat! So stop complaining!"
-Golbez: "But the sheer physics of it are completely mind boggling. You pull the trigger...and what happens? What mechanism in the sword causes the extra damage?"
-FuSoYa: "Yes, indeed. I admit to the ingenuity of it, but I don't think it's a very practical weapon. Wouldn't you be better off just using a nice curving sword like that gentleman over there?"
-Sephiroth: "I grow tired of you silly 2-D sprites. Your entertainment value has come to an end."
-Golbez: "No way. We could stand here and point out the inconsistincies of the gunblade all day long. Imagine how funny everyone will think it is! Let's go for it FuSoYa. We'll make this the greatest match ever with our wisecracking antics. We'll be famous!"
-Squall: "Ahem...allow me to demonstrate how the gunblade works. It really is quite simple."
(Squall runs up and cuts into Golbez.)
Squall: "Now, all I do is pull this trigger....see....."
(Pulls trigger. *Extra damage*)
(Golbez explodes.)
Squall: "And presto! Extra damage magically appears. You see, you don't have to understand it for it to work."
FuSoYa: "Yes...ummm...sure...uh-huh....well i've got to go.... i just remembered I have to be at a place.....or something...bye!"
(FuSoYa runs off)
-Sephiroth: "Idiot."
-Squall: "Completely."
(Sephiroth turns and holds the tip of his sword at Squall's throat.)
-Sephiroth: "Do you even know why you are here?"
-Squall: "What do you mean, why am I here? I'm here to fight. I'm here to win."
-Sephiroth (laughs): "Here to win? You cannot win. Neither of us can."
-Squall: "What do you mean!? I will defeat you and win the tournament. I will be the champion!"
-Sephiroth: (laughs again): "You are a fool. He will not let anyone be the champion. He will not even let any of us live!"
-Squall: "Who? Who are you talking about?"
-Sephiroth: "Him. Me. From the future."
-Squall: "What!? I don't understand. What the hell are you talking about?"
-Sephiroth: "I don't have time to explain. I am willing to spare your life, but in return you will help me destroy him."
-Squall: "First of all, I don't need you to spare my life. And second, I don't even know who this `him' is. How do I know that this isn't a trick?"
-Sephiroth: "Because if my intentions were to kill you then I would have already done it. Now will you cooperate or not?"
-Squall: "Perhaps. But I'd still like to know just what the hell you're so concerned about."
-Sephiroth: "You will find out soon enough. But for now, I need to explain the plan to you."
-Squall: "The plan?"
-Sephiroth: "Yes, if we're not organized he will destroy us easily. Now listen up. We're going to fake my death and set it up to look like you won this match."
-Squall: "Why are we faking your death?"
-Sephiroth: "Because he won't expect it! Now stop asking so many questions!"
-Squall: "But wait. Whoever this is you're talking about...isn't he watching us right now?"
-Sephiroth: "No. He is too interested in the Cloud VS. Ultimecia match that is going on at the same time. He has a personal interest in that match."
-Squall: "I don't understand this at all. Who is this mysterious person? Why should we fear him? What connection does he have with the deathmatch? And why does he have a personal interest in the Cloud VS. Ultimecia match? I'm just so confused."
-Sephiroth: "Well you've been that way the entire tournament, so you should be used to it by now."
-Ref. Mills Lane: "Now wait just a dog gone minute. I won't allow it. I'm the referee here and I say that neither of you leaves until someone dies! Is that understood?"
-Sephiroth: "Loud and clear."
Ref. Mills Lane: "AHHHHHGH!! ARHGHGGGGHHHgghghhghhhhhlll................"

??????????: Squall advances.

  "Hey kids! Did you know there's a secret hidden on this   page? Can you find it?"

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