*** Story Update #1 ***

(Squall and Sephiroth in an abandoned part of the complex)

-Sephiroth: "Do you understand now?"
(Squall nods slowly)
-Squall: "So when you died your alien cell thingies refused to perish, and then they grew for a long time and turned into this Neo guy."
-Sephiroth: "Close enough. Do you understand why we're here?"
-Squall: "Not really. I kind of missed that part."
-Sephiroth: "Pay attention! This is important! This creature is apparently a very vengeful person and wants revenge for his suffering."
-Squall: "But you just refered to him in 3rd person; I thought you said he was you."
-Sephiroth: "We are genetically similar, but I would never be so careless as Neo. He has made several errors in his little rampage."
-Squall: "Rampage?"
-Sephiroth: "He wants to destroy everything he once knew. He won't stop until his thirst for blood is sated."
-Squall: "But I never knew you before now. Neither did most of the people involved in this event. What does he have against us?"
-Sephiroth: "He apparently has knowledge of some sort of a connection between us. There apparently is something we all have in common, although I'm lost as to what that is."
-Squall: "But why this whole event in the first place? If he wanted us dead, why not just kill us off one by one?"
-Sephiroth: "I have several theories. I believe first of all that he cannot enter any of our individual worlds. He had to bring us all here to his personal dimension."
-Sephiroth: "Second, he is a twisted fool. I suppose he would rather see us kill each other off than deal with us himself. Although now that I think about it, the reasoning is sound. Why expend effort in destroying what can be made to destroy itself?"
-Squall: "But why did we fight in the first place? All I can remember when I came here is a blind rage."
-Sephiroth: "It's a spell I researched once that Neo must have perfected. A combination of Berserk and Charm. It's called Cherserk. It influences a target to serve a master in a blind rage. Fortunately though, since these matches are soooo far apart, Cherserk has lost its power and has worn off."
-Squall: "Hmmmm... so that's why we killed so senslessly."
-Squall: "But how will we defeat Neo? I thought you said he was practically invincible."
-Sephiroth: "I truthfully have no idea if he is even defeatable. I'm just hoping that we find a way to stop him before its too late."
-Squall: "Whoa, wait a minute. Why are you even opposing him in the first place? He's you in the future right? Why try to mess your own self up?"
-Sephiroth: "Like I said, that's not me. It's just another lifeform based off my genetic structure and memories. And besides, he plans to kill me anyway."
-Squall: "?"
-Sephiroth: "In order for him to exist, my cells must develop underneath the planet for thousands of years, right?"
-Squall: "Yes, keep going."
-Sephiroth: "When he snatched me from my dimension, it was right after Cloud had dealt me my mortal blow and I was about to pass away. He saved me from my death just to participate in his little deathmatch. I'm not sure why. Maybe because he wanted to compare his power now with mine 7000 years earlier. Perhaps he wanted to see how far he had developed."
-Sephiroth: "Now, obviously, I'm not quite dead yet. So, he must ensure that I meet my doom here and return to the planet so he can be born. Do you understand this as well?"
(Squall nods again, looking deep in thought.)
-Squall: "Wait! I remember too!"
-Squall: "Yes, me and my friends had just defeated Ultimecia! I remember Irvine yelling something about not getting lost in time warps and then... then I...."
(Squall concentrates, trying to remember)
-Squall: "I tried to go to that special place Rinoa and I had promised to each other, but...I ended up in my orphanage instead.....and then....I can't remember anymore. That's when I was snatched. I remember a desert and I was floating through dimensions briefly and suddenly I was here in this place."
-Sephiroth: "So you have a reason to try and live as well."
-Squall: "But you said his power was only to traverse dimensions. How did he cross time as well?"
-Sephiroth: "I do not know. Do you know of any means he could have used to cheat time?"
-Squall: "Wait! Yes of course! Ultimecia!"
-Sephiroth: "That ugly woman who is supposed to be fighting Cloud?"
-Squall: "Right! She was working on a way to cheat time and bring it together. We defeated her, but before we could, she compressed time. Perhaps that was the plan all along!"
-Sephiroth: "I do not follow."
-Squall: "Perhaps Neo-Sephiroth contacted her and convinced her to activate time compression! That way he could snatch all of us from our respective universes and time periods. It's a perfect plan that worked perfectly!"
-Sephiroth: "Then that's why Neo has an interest in the next match. He obviously has no intentions of allowing Cloud to kill as valuable a tool as Ultimecia. He will intervene if all else fails."
-Squall: "How do you know?"
-Sephiroth: "Me and him think alike, remember? Come on, we need to be there when all of this goes down. As much as I dislike the thought, we may need Cloud's help to solve this situation."
-Squall: "Then let's get going. The match has probably already started."

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