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Preparing for your first tournament:
Parents are responsible for the safety of their kids.  All underage students need either a parent or another adult present who has been       
designated by permission to be legally responsible to supervise, and to authorize medical treatment in the event of an emergency.

1.  Register a week or more in advance to avoid a higher entry fee.  If you are a USCF member and register for a rated tournament at the last minute, you may need to provide proof of USCF membership (either member card, Chess Life magazine mailing label, or a receipt from the director of the previous tournament where you joined), so that your USCF member number and/or rating may be verified.
2.  Let your coach/teacher know you're going.
3.  Be prepared to be there for the whole day.  There are no eliminations--everyone plays every round.  Bring a bag lunch, a water bottle, enough snacks, and things to do between games.
4.  Be as familiar as you can be with chess rules before tournament day.  Be aware that the "touch-move" rule applies (if you touch a piece, you must move it or capture it, unless such a move would be illegal, or unless you are adjusting a piece, at which point you must say "I adjust").  Also, know the rules regarding castling, en passant capture, pawn promotion, and as many of the various possibilities for a draw or stalemate as you can.  It's also a very good idea to be prepared to defend against the four-move checkmate (a.k.a. "Scholar's Mate").
5.  It is strongly advised that you keep a written record of the moves during your tournament games for two reasons:  it could help settle a potential dispute, and your coach may want to see your games later.  Bring a scoresheet or scorebook, and a pencil.  
6.  Important:  Read our 'Etiquette' page and be prepared to practice these courtesies.
7.  If chess clocks are to be used, first read our 'Clock Rules' page.  Also, if you are bringing your own chess set and board, they need to be standard tournament size and style (see our 'Equipment' page).
8.  Arrive early enough to check in and listen to the tournament director's announcements before the start of the first round.  Extreme tardiness could result in your forfeiting that round.  Also, notify the tournament director immediately if you have to miss a round or leave the tournament for any reason.
9.  Before each round, check the posted pairings to find your name, your opponent's name, the number of the board you will play on, and whether you are White or Black.
10.  When you sit down to play, check to be certain the board is correctly oriented (with a white square on the lower right) and that the pieces are placed properly (particularly with the queens on their own colors).  If you notice something wrong with the set up after the game has already started, the tournament director might not allow you to fix it.
11.  Standings are posted after the completion of each round.  Always check to make sure your score is listed correctly and notify the tournament director immediately if there is an error.
12.  The last thing to happen is the awards ceremony.  In the flurry, don't forget to gather all your personal belongings before leaving the tournament site.

We wish every Chess Odyssey student many winning moments, if not all wins!

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