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      The KND: OCG Website » Download

~* The Link *~
Click Here To Download The File (.ZIP Format)

~* Some Info *~

   Note (10/17/04): I made a new playmat for the OCG instead of the old black background with the light shining down. If you want the playmat already set up while updating your Sets to Version 2.0 at the same time, download the .zip again.

So, here we are. You know the rules of the game and now you're ready to download it! This game will be played on a program called Apprentice. This program was originally intended to play Magic: The Gathering and the website for this program can be found here. No, Apprentice does not belong to me. Now that that's out of the way, it's time to download Apprentice to play the KND:OCG.

Anyway, if you have any problems using Apprentice, I urge you to e-mail me, and I'll try to help you troubleshoot it. You can also try the Help file within it if you're having trouble. But, here's some quick tips to help you get started making a deck and connecting to an opponent.

Click on the picture of the open book with a pencil in the middle, press CTRL+K, or go to File -> Deck Editor to open the Deck Editor. A list of the cards from the game will show up on the right. Click on the name of the card and you can either click "View Card..." to view the stats of the card, or "Add -->" to add it to your deck. Once you've constructed your deck, you may as well save it. Click on the picture of the red 3.5" floppy disk in the Deck Editor. A screen-tip saying "Save a Deck in Apprentice32 Format" will pop-up before you click on it. Then, name your deck and click Save.

Once you've made a deck, click on the picture of the magic wand with a green, 5-sided star coming off the tip, press CTRL+N or go to File -> New Game to open the New Game window. Your most recent deck will pop-up. If the box above the buttons "Load Deck", "Save Deck" and "Sideboard" is empty, click the Load Deck button, find your deck and highlight it. Then, click Open. From here you can play a Solitare Game (to test your deck by yourself) or connect to an opponent. Use the bullets beside either of these options to select them. Next, make sure, in Game Options, Starting Life (Which will be your Fallen Character count) is set to either "0" or "5", whichever suits you. Starting Cards in Hand should be set to 6, and Starting Message can be whatever you want. Then, click Ok. If you're connecting to an opponent, a new window will pop up. This is where you connect to your opponent or either wait for a connection by your opponent. I can only assume Port Number should be the same between both players. The default is "4747." Ask your opponent for their IP address. Once you have it, click the bullet next to "Calling my Opponent at" and put their IP address in the blank box there. Then, click Ok and it should connect. If you are the one waiting to be connected to, click the bullet next to "Waiting for a Call". Click on Ok first, then give your opponent your IP. When your opponent connects to you, the game will begin.

As for gameplay, you will only be using the "Draw Phase", "Main Phase" and "Attack Phase", then it is your opponent's turn. These phases will reflect the Draw, Play and Attack Sequences of the game.

To draw a card, use CTRL+D. To flip a coin, use CTRL+F. To roll a die, use CTRL+I.

Everything else should be pretty easy to figure out. I can't do everything for you! Just a word of advice, don't use the Search Options in the Deck Editor or Sealed Deck Generator. Neither will work, sorry. Oh, one last thing. When you increase (or decrease, depending on what you chose with the Starting Life) your Fallen Character count, use the Heart with a plus(+) sign next to it (or the Heart with a minus(-) sign next to it) to increase (or decrease!) your Fallen Character count. That's all!
The KND: OCG © Copyright of Antoshi, 2004. All rights reserved. Codename: Kids Next Door is property of Curious Pictures and Mr. Warburton. -- Layout Designed By: FF Warpzone