- All pieces are measured. Cut first side of tube with saber saw no problem!
But then I realized I cut across the grain so I'm remeasuring and recutting.
Cut 4 sides and molding a little shaky but OK.
11/9/2000 - I have sanded down the sides of the tube so they are fairly
straight - not perfect tho. I also glued the pieces of molding to the
side panels. To proceed, I need an accurate compass to trace out the 6.5"
circles on the bulkheads, and the 6" circle on the mirror cell to
see if it will fit the tube. I can't put the tube together without seeing
if the bulkheads will fit.
Also discovered that putting
the sealant on the surface where you are putting the other piece is better,
rather than putting it on the piece to be stuck. In other words, put the
glue on the piece you are not holding. Next step: draw circles with compass,
cut squares and sand to fit. Before I can order the spider I need to know
the exact dimensions of the tube.