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11/18/2000 - The 2 sides are glued on. Elmer's Carpentry Glue. I also screwed the bottom on and sanded down the rear bulkhead and mirror cell so they fit in. Also nailed sides to top with brads--it's starting to look good!

Got some polyurethane to seal it with, also hardware for base assembly: 3/8" hex nut (2" long), wing nut, 2 washers and tee nut.
Got to figure out how the hell tee nuts work!

A page from the log book

11/20/2000 - Primary and focuser arrived! So I was finally able to draw an accurate diameter of the mirror on the cell. This for determining 2.5" ventilation holes and dowel (holder) placement. Today I cut those vent holes, and drilled a 1/4" hole through center of cell and rear bulkhead for pull-bolt. Hammered in tee nut to mirror side of cell. Drilled 3 holes in rear bulkhead and put tee nuts on inside for push bolts.

Mirror cell with ventilation holes, tee nut in center, and dowel holders. Cell is attached to rear bulkhead via middle pull bolt.

11/23/2000 - Cut out the side bearing circles yesterday. The next thing I have to do is sand the base cicles so they are perfectly circular. Then I can glue the formica to base and route it out. The semi-circle cutouts on the mount should be pretty accurate, but since the bearings (side) will rest on the Teflon strips it is not that crucial. Also need to prime and paint inside of tube and base.

Base is ready for priming
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