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So, what does everyone in David's game do?

Well, since it's easiest to explain the DM, I'll start there.

This is the original game I joined, it's been going on a lot longer than I've been there, David DM's this game, though I think he makes a better player. (Really, David.) Of course, he comes up with the most amazing riddles and puzzles for us to try and solve. I think that's the best part of David's game, the challenge he throws into the puzzles. I like puzzles and mysteries.

The rest of the party consists of the original core players, who were there from the start, YJ, Dean and Drake, in the fall, me and Chris joined, and Hong joined like a week or maybe two weeks later.

YJ plays Lena Reverse, our (reformed) pyromaniac mage. Back when YJ first got the Fireball spell, he'd cast it anywhere. It got us killed more than once, but Lena is a bit of a maniac, with a wry wit and a quick sense of humor, YJ plays her good.

DEAN is the party's tank and general portable storage guy. He's an 18/96 or so fighter named Ramko. He's big, he's frightening, you can't hit him, but he can hit most 5HD creatures rolling a 4, there are times when we're fighting creatures and he actually asks "Do I really have to roll to hit them?" He's serious. Low level creatures, he could hit on a -6. Ramko is also not that bright. ^_^ Lena's childhood sidekick, they're pretty inseparable, well, he follows her around and beats up the people that Lena annoys. Both of them each believe that they are protecting the other one in their quest to find this mysterious fighter who saved their lives when they were children.

DRAKE, is Nicholas Drake, cleric of the town of Shalebrook, devout servant of the god of light, Sol Ameron. He's our main driving force in our campaign against the Lordon Empire, who is invading from the north, and to regain a bunch of magical items that the Empire wants to use to summon the entity of darkness known as G. Drake plays a really convincing cleric of the light. Probably the only one in the group capable of playing a Lawful/Good character, but I've also seen him act really evil, and sometimes he thinks of the same evil things I do, before I do.

CHRIS our ranger and an elf, Eldar the Dragon Slayer. Given a mysterious quest my his even more mysterious master, he is to save the world from a great evil. He's got this rod that nobody knows what it does, but it's supposed to be the deciding force in a great battle. A quick and effective fighter, he fights with paired weapons all the time, but keeps switching what he's using. He's wierd for a ranger, and his master has taught him some things that he shouldn't know, or even his master shouldn't know. I think his master was a good dragon in human guise.

HONG once Dervish, elf and thief from a distant unknown land. Is now Resse, the reincarnation of the fallen Dervish. The paladin girl, short and unnaturally strong and entirely unlearned in the ways of the world. Ramko carries her on his shoulders a lot.

And here I am again, Rhet Rho, wandering former Paladin from the southern deserts. Disenchanted from the his course, now he's what is known as an Avenger, like a Paladin in his quest against evil, but he doesn't stay on the good side of the law to do it.

In David's world, which is rather confusing, politically, the Elven forests exist in the far north. Right below them, on the east side of the mountains, is the Lordon Empire. To the west of the mountains, is Rakshans, which is currently being slowly invaded by the Lordons. Directly south of the Empire is Erimytsa (sp?), and Avron, which is where all the core members are from, southeast of Avron, right above the peninsula to the southern continent, is Ferania, who I know nothing about.

The peninsula, which was left to me to name, since I was the only one who needed a name for it, is called the Komira Highlands. It's like central america, but is really a high mountain range that juts out of the sea, connecting the two continents. The southern continent, as far as it is known to me, hasn't been given a name, so I normally refer to it as named by it's capital city, Tarislar. Almost all of Tarislar is a great desert, wasteland, known as the Great Ivory Plain. The Komira mountain range continues down near the western coast to the southern tip of Tarislar.



I'd like to interject a comment here: eeeekkkkk. That's it.