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Recent Updates;

06/26/02 meh... I am just WAY too lazy and discontent to keep updating this.
So anyway, David's game finally did end successfully with the second party. We defeated Malgamon and G, sealled the Eye again and the coins were scattered once again for another 1010 years or so.
We're now being DM'ed by Scott with a more chaotic party than before, with Chris living in Calgary, David up in the Yukon until the fall and Hong working intermittent fridays.

10/22/01 omfg... a month and five days short of TWO YEARS? damned.. well, reorganizing ALL of this, updates on everything.. ok, deleted inactive games, relinked things and stuff.
11/27/99 Hong's game files.
11/06/99 Many things.
09/21/99 - Fixxxer's game story.
Yeah okay, ALL of these are way behind but I haven't been really motivated to do it for a while.

The FIRST game: This is the game that David DMs, and I play Rhet Rho (it was really late, and I had just finished reading Technobabel (Shadowrun novel) when I was working on my character, so like, don't ask..) Rhet's history is totally bizarre pretty much the wierdest character I've ever written, and though physically, he's 21, chronologically, he's only 16(15 when the adventure started). (Told you it was wierd)

Again we go down in our fight against G and the allies of Lordon.... this was months ago.. at least months. I should have done it sooner.

At current, we're currently doing a campaign of David's based in Domain, on the far side of the continent where this party fell, on the same story line, leading to the same ends. And one Scott is DMing, in the same world as his previous game, which didn't even make it up here, due to my listlessness over the last year or so.

And, a link to the D&D reflective from the main page, it was written about this game.

What's happening in the game?
What does everyone do?
Rhet Rho my character in this one, former Paladin from the southern continent, now slowly converting to an Avenger.

The "What was supposed to be a temporary short-term game but evolved into a much longer and grandiose plotline" game:

This is the game that Drake and Yi-Jeng both DM.

On account of the fact that our party went down fighting, the pages for this game will recieve their final updates this night, July 17th, of the year 1999.

What happened in the game?
What did everyone do?
Huey Anderson Long is the character I play (But don't call him Huey, he hates that. (The name is from a book called The Trinity Vectory. Weird book.) Hal, as I run him, is sorta warped, and wierd in general. Well, actually, he's exactly like I would be if I didn't have any real restraint or control of myself.

The game that Hong DM's:

Well, unknown to me, we started THIS week, ^_^ cause David is moving (again) soon, so he doesn't want to run his game until he's done, which I think is next week. Dunno, I gotta ask, cause I'm driving.

Well, Miranda, the young red eyed wanderer from the city of Tiremb. In search of something interesting to do, and almost as important, a master to train her further.

Who's in this party?
What'sa happened?

Uh, well, I don't have my character made yet, but this is the game that's going to replace Drake and YJ's game once it gets going. Hong's already got a plot in mind(he's gonna be an obsessive DM. My favorite kind. Hell, he's even taking down copies of our characters. Good start.^_^ ), and most of the other players have a character idea down. Drake's going to be a specialist mage, Chris is going to be a Dwarven Cleric, YJ and David I forget, and Dean and I don't know.
All I know is I'm going to be a freakishly tall elf with a 19 Dex. We rolled stats already. :D


At least I have a positive attitude about my destructive habits.