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Miranda Rhiannon Harlan

Second of three children born to Karyn and Lanier Harlan. Those born in Lanier's line have for as long as memory stands, have borne eyes with iris' of the brightest red, and usually grew to be magicians of great skill in controlling the elements of fire.

The mages of the Harlan line have lived just outside of the town of Tiremb for generations, since living directly in the town often created problems because of the nature of their magic. Though they often visited the town, and each at some point in their life would leave their home in search of further knowledge, some are gone for only months, while some for tens of years, often returning with a family of their own, the Harlans always return to the family keep eventually.

Born three years after her older sister Jayna, and a just more than a year before her brother Martin. Bother brother and sister were gifted with their family's power, though Martin, in the place of bringing fire, he bring life where there once was death. Miranda never showed any talents of magical nature, and normally quickly bored with excercises that were meant to expand those talents. So Lanier decided she should be trained under Laura Redbird, the daughter of one of Lanier's oldest friends, and a great swordswoman.

From the age of 6, Laura trained her in the use of her favored weapon, the broad sword. And, because Miranda had great quickness and coordination, Laura instructed her in the use of paired weapons, something she had only been able to do much later in life.

It was a great challenge for Laura to train her, though even though she learned very quickly, Miranda is quick to boredom, roguish in temperment, and often lacks the sense to overrider her immense curiosity and desire for excitement.

By the time Miranda had reached the age of 16, Laura had decided that the girl knew all she could teach her, and so again, her father tried to teach her the ways of magic. For more than a year she worked and studied before she grew tired of trying to learn something she had no talent for and restless for staying home, so she decided to take the path of her family and left to seek her own fate within the world.


Alignment: Chaotic/Good Race: Human Class: Fighter Level: 4
Homeland: Tiremb Liege/Patron: None Religion: None
Sex: Female Age: 18 Social Class: Common Status: Alive
Height: 5' 8" Weight: 107 lb Birth Rank: Second # Siblings: Two
Hair: Short Black Eyes: Red  


Abilities Movement Saving Throws
16 STR Hit Prob: +0 Dmg Adj: +1 Wgt Allow: 70 Max Press: 195 OpDrs: 9 BB/LG: 10% Base Rate 12 +0 P/P 13
17 DEX Rctn Adj: +2 Missle Att Adj: +2 Def Adj: -3 Light (71-100) 9 +0 R,S,W 15
15 CON HP Adj: +1 Sys Shk: 90% Res Sur: 94% Pois Save: 0 Regen: Nil Mod (101-130) 6 +0 Pet/Poly 14
16 INT No. Lang: 5 Spell Lvl: 8th Lrn Sp: 70% Spells/Lvl: 11 Spell Immun: - Hvy (131-160) 3 +0 BreathW 16
8 WIS Mag Def Adj: 0 Bonus Spells: 0 Spell Fail: 20% Spell Immun: - Svr (161-195) 1 +0 Spells 16
9 CHR Max # Henchmen: 4 Loy Base: 0 Rctn Adj: 0 Run 36  
Armor Adjusted AC Armor Type (Pieces) Hitpoints
2 Surprised: 6 Chainmail 28
Shieldless: 2  
AC Rear Attack: 4  

Weapon Chart
Weapon #AT Attack
THAC0 Damage (SM/L) Range Weight Size Type Speed
Broad Sword 5/2 +1 +3 18(17) 2d4/1d6+1 - 4 M S 5
Darts 3/1 +2 +1 18(16) 1d3/1d2 10/20/40 - S P 2


Two Weapon Style Common Survival (I 0) Ambidexterity
Broadsword Reading/Writing Fishing (W -1) Riding, Land (W +3)
Broadsword Specialization     Etiquette (C 0)
Dart Spellcraft (I -2)   Direction Sense (W +1)

Gear, Supplies and Inventory.
Item Wt Item Wt Item Wt
Belt, Soft Boots x2, Breeches x4 - Backpack 2 Broad Swords x3 16
Cloak, Tunic x6, Scabbard x2 - -Signal whistle, whetstone .5 Darts x 20 2
Winter clothing, Skirts x2 5 -Chalk, Flint & Steel - Chainmail 35
Small Tent 5 -Belt pouch, Iron pot 2.5 Ring of Wishes, Three -
Standard rations (7 days) 10        
Water skins (4 days) 4     Pitons x4, Silk rope x50' 10


CP (.01) SP (.1) EP (.5) GP (1) PP (5)
22 20 12 65 -


110 (2,000)
220 (2,000)
2,490 (2,000)
3,035 (4,000)
3,211 (4,000)
4,371 (4,000)
4,921 (8,000)
5,886 (8,000)
6,216 (8,000)
9,003 (16,000)



This allows me to seriously aggravate a situation, without actually changing the course of history.