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Sooooooooooo.... Who's everyone in Hong's game?

Well, I like to start with the DM, just because I always do.

HONG is our DM, I think this is his first time DMing a game. He's doing good so far, though he thinks he made the wyvern on the cliff too weak, cause it was dead at the end of the first round. hehe. If he has a plot right now, I can't tell what it is. We haven't done much yet anyways, we just went out and he grabbed us each with a big hook. Classic DMing.

YJ is Sun (sounds like Soon), wierd wanderer from the orient. He's a wierd asian. He carries a wierd sword.

S (Drake, from the other game. From now on, I'm just calling him S. Calling him Drake was getting terribly confusing.) is now Hokfur Lochless, as he left Felix on the island where the Flower was in order to learn from the person there. A halfling, he is a very effective ranged fighter, frequently sneaking into close combat for backstabs.

DAVID is Aryana, a blond elven girl. Magical talents of many kinds, she fights with a bow with great skill.

DEAN is Hakuyru (is that how you spell it? We're calling him Hack, because nobody but Dean can pronounce it.), another blond elf. A guy, and appears to be Aryana's friend and guard.

CHRIS is Rocky Bouldershoulder, ugly and stupid dwarven cleric of the Forge.

AND ME. I'm Miranda Rhiannon Harlan of Tiremb. The raven haired girl with the blood red eyes. Travelling from her home in search of a master, and something more interesting to do. Tiremb is boring.



I'd like to interject a comment here: eeeekkkkk. That's it.