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Huey Anderson Long (Hal)

Birthplace: Albatian Empire
Birthdate: November 1st
Current Residence: Talmak Port

Originally, Hal lived on a border-town of the Empire, but when the Empire's armies began to move, Hal moved to stay ahead of them, fearful of what might happen to him if he was caught behind their lines, hearing rumors of what happened to people who resisted them too long during their initial expansion.

Hal is a warrior and a thief, though he's not completely without honor. He knows what he is, and what he works for. When somebody tries to take that away from him, he'll take it back. Whatever it takes. Growing up on the streets, and then running on the leading edge of invasion from the dark armies of what used to be his homeland develops a perverse sense of justice which is sometimes marred by what looks like either insanity creeping in or deep, outright hatred and desire for revenge to those how have crossed him.

His life now is marked with a quiet, single-minded determination to take his fight back to the ones that destroyed what little he had.

Hal is a very odd individual, a dark figure seemingly constantly cloaked in shadows and teeming with weaponry. He carries a set of Bastard swords on his back on twin cross-draw scabbards set off the right side, a dagger on each wrist, and one in each boot, plus the two finely crafted black daggers on his belt that he took from an invisible elf assassin after leaving Voth. His armor is always dyed a deep black (conveniently, both suits of magical platemail he's found since leaving Talmak were black.) and it is common for him to wear a dark cloak or cape over everything, especially in cities where being large, heavily armed and threatening is less favorable than being large, cloaked, and threatening. He wears a mask across his eyes and is tied at the back, though it looks more to be intimidating, it's really to cover a deep scar that runs from the side of his left eye over to his temple. He doesn't like that scar or the memories it brings, so he prefers to hide it's presence so people can not ask him of it.

Hal is a good trouble shooter, though he's rather impulsive, and has a flair for being too heroic and over-dramatic. (YJ thinks he's the Tick, wearing black, he's not, but he's dang close.) He loves learning new things, questing for some distant truth. He's attentive to little things, obscure points and details. He's tenacious to the point of obsession, often pushing things to the border of insanity, especially if something has pissed him off when his over-developed sense of vengeance kicks in. Life's like that, accept it. He's overly driven to fight those he sees as unlawful or evil, his largest focus being the Empire and it's agents, though he sometimes toes the line of treachery to do it, especially when the Empire or evil creatures come into the picture.



Alignment: Neutral Good Race: Human Class: Avenger Level: 6
Homeland: Albatian Empire Liege/Patron: None Religion: None
Sex: Male Age: 20 Social Class: Common Status: Dead
Height: 6' 0" Weight: 187lb Birth Rank: First # Siblings: 0
Hair: Black Eyes: Blue Appearance:


Abilities Movement Saving Throws
18/70 STR Hit Prob: +2 Dmg Adj: +3 Wgt Allow: 160 Max Press: 305 OpDrs: 13 BB/LG: 25% Base Rate 12 +2 P/P 11
17 DEX Rctn Adj: +2 Missle Att Adj: +2 Def Adj: -3 Light (161-199) 9 +2 R,S,W 13
16 CON HP Adj: +2 Sys Shk: 95% Res Sur: 96% Pois Save:
Regen: Nil Mod (200-238) 6 +2 Pet/Poly 12
15 INT No. Lang: 4 Spell Lvl: 7th Lrn Sp: 65% Spells/Lvl: 11 Spell Immun: - Hvy (239-277) 3 +2 BreathW 13
14 WIS Mag Def Adj: 0 Bonus Spells: 1st Spell Fail: 0% Spell Immun: - Svr (278-305) 1 +2 Spells 14
16 CHR Max # Henchmen: 8 Loy Base: +4 Rctn Adj: +5 Run 36  
Armor Adjusted AC Armor Type (Pieces) Hitpoints
-2 Surprised: 1 +2 Fine Black Platemail 55
Shieldless: -2 +1 Platemail of Albaitia
AC Rear Attack: 1  

Weapon Chart
Weapon #AT Attack Adj Dmg Adj THAC0 Damage (SM/L) Range Weight Size Type Speed
+1 Bastard Sword (one handed) 3/2 +3 +4 15(11) 1d8/1d12 - 10 M S 5
+1 Bastard Sword (two handed) 3/2 +3 +4 15(11) 2d4/2d8 - 10 M S 4
Hand Crossbow 1/1 +2   15(12) 1d4/1d4 2/4/6 3 S P 5
Dagger 3/2 +2 +3 15(12) 1d4/1d3   1 S P 2


Special Abilities Proficiencies/Skills/Languages
Hide in Shadows 65% +1 to hit Unjust 2 Handed Style Direction Sense (W +1)
Move Silently 50% +2 to Saving Throws Bastard Sword Riding/Land based (W +3)
Detect Noise 40%   Hand Crossbow Swimming (S 0)
Climb Walls 50% Aura of Bravery 10' +4 save vs. fear Dagger Tracking (W 0)
  Aura of Fear 10' npc's of 1/2 level
save for p/p
  Hunting (W -1)
  Immune to Fear   Ancient History (I -1)

Gear, Supplies and Inventory.
Item Wt Item Wt Item Wt

CP (.01) SP (.1) EP (.5) GP (1) PP (5)
  5   571 820


5 18,000 (18,000)
5 21,459 (36,000)
5 25,067 (36,000)
5 28,047 (36,000)
6 38,910 (75,000)
6 51,478 (75,000)



Dismemberment is just inherently funny.