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Rhet Rho

Birthplace: To'kath
Birthdate: November 23rd, 2009
Current Residence: None

Rhet was born on the northern edge of the great southern deserts, his family, devout followers of Marphia and Kestanas had a cattle farm just east of To'Kath. Rhet was raised on his family's farm and learned the ways of the land and the laws of his fellow man. Not a fighter by nature, Rhet was tutored in the ways of battle by his father, once a guardsman in To'Kath's army.

While not overly bright, he was a quick learner and was possessed of an uncommon clarity of thinking, he was strong and well suited to living on the farm. Life was good, until one cold morning in March of 2023, a band of men walked out of the desert and into his family's farm. They burned everything they could not take, not stopping there they ransacked five other farms in the area. Rhet returned from a foray into the nearby forests to find chaos throughout the land, and his whole family left dead, mother, father and sisters.

After years of wandering his homeland in search of some new purpose in his life, he began to have haunting dreams of a great temple. Unknown to him, these dreams began to draw him north, the further he travelled, the stronger and more frequent the dreams became.

While travelling through the mountains in the Komira Highlands, Rhet came across an ancient temple, the temple from his dreams, though now seemed barely standing, a mere ruin. When he approached, he began to see a white etheral glow from within the temple. Inside the temple was a large stone pool of water, nearly opaque with light until he was within a few paces of the pool he began to see a great city which grew clearer the closer he got until he leaned over the pool to look closer and the pool flared with power again, and Rhet was pulled into it, enveloped by a great light.

He appeared standing on a great empty plain of rock, the ruined city nowhere in sight. A dark red sun shone in the sky, and twin moons stood vigil next to the dark star. A path seemed worn into the ground, and seeing no other real option, Rhet followed it, unknown to him where he was, or that time had ceased to exist in this place. For uncounted weeks, months, longer even, maybe years, he walked, never having to stop for sleep or food, the sourceless light there never dimming. Nearly at his mind's end, in the distance he saw a great mountain, at it's base he found the entrance to a dark cavern. Three days into the dark cavern, he happened upon a dark robed figure guarding a portal back into the world, through which he could see the city again, now ruined and flooding.

When Rhet approached the dark man, he stared blandly back at him, not speaking or even blinking. For countless hours, Rhet prodded the figure with useless questions, obsevations and riddles, until Rhet finally felt exhaustion, the dweller looked down to Rhet and asked why he has not gone away. "I was transported here by a pool of light, I have walked through that great plain for unknown weeks, that door is the path to the city I seek." The dark dweller quietly spoke again, that is a door to your world, but not the same place you left, but you may pass through the door if you wish. "Is there no other door I may take?" But the dweller didn't speak again.

Rhet whispered a prayer and stepped through the door and was enveloped again by a great light. He appeared this time on a hill overlooking that same ruined city, now seemingly inhabited by several armed people and a horde of rather angry looking giant land-fish.


Rhet is active and energetic, and overall gifted, he is really more cunning than intelligent - and he knows that. That is probably why he doesn't have lots of confidence. He has defined sets of what is good, and how far he can bend those to accomplish good overall, though he despises being pressured to act for the good. No matter how integrated he seems to be, Rhet's inner self remains powerfully rebellious. Although he seems have boundless energy and ambition, he has a hard time belonging.

Rhet is hot-blooded, hot-headed and impatient. He is a bit of an egoist, well, selfish sometimes, that it is rare for him to interest himself in any problems except his own. And though this egoist works only for himself and for his own success, his work nevertheless benefits everybody.

There are many contradictions in his character and actions, Rhet is proud yet sweet-natured, arrogant yet oddly modest, envious but tolerant, conceited yet humble. He wants to belong, yet they are burdened by their need for independence. He is a stark individual, who depends only on his wits and his labor to get what he wants.


Alignment: Neutral/Good Race: Human Class: Avenger Level: 8
Homeland: To'kath, Tarislar Liege/Patron: None Religion: None
Sex: Male Age: 21 Social Class: Common Status: Alive
Height: 6'2" (188cm) Weight: 181 lb (82kg) Birth Rank: Second # Siblings: 0
Hair: Short, black Eyes: Blue/green Appearance:


Abilities Movement Saving Throws
18/48 STR Hit
Base Rate 12 +2 P/P 10
12 DEX Rctn Adj:
Missle Att Adj:
Def Adj:
Light (136-174) 9 +2 R,S,W 12
16 CON HP Adj: +2 Sys Shk: 95% Res Sur: 96% Pois Save:
Regen: Nil Mod (175-213) 6 +2 Pet/Poly 11
10 INT No. Lang: 2 Spell Lvl: 5th Lrn Sp: 40% Spells/Lvl: 7 Spell Immun: - Hvy (214-252) 3 +2 BreathW 12
14 WIS Mag Def Adj: +1 Bonus Spells: 2nd Spell Fail: 0% Spell Immun: - Svr (253-280) 1 +2 Spells 13
17 CHR Max # Henchmen: 10 Loy Base: +6 Rctn Adj: +6 Run 36  
Armor Adjusted AC Armor Type (Pieces) Hitpoints
1 Surprised: 3 +3 Chainmail 68
Shieldless: 2 Medium Shield
AC Rear Attack: 3 +1 Medium Shield (Broken)

Yeah, my AC sucks. As a fighter, it should be at least -1 by this level, the only person in the party other than me who has an AC above 0 is Lena. She's got an AC of 1, as well. Sad, huh? A level 8 fighter has the same AC as a level 10 mage?

Weapon Chart
Weapon #AT Attack Adj Dmg Adj THAC0 Damage (SM/L) Range Weight Size Type Speed
+3 Long Sword 3/2 +4 +6 13(9) 1d8/1d12   4 M P 2
+1 Long Sword 3/2 +2 +4 13(11) 1d8/1d12   4 M P 4
Dagger x4 3/2(2/1) +1 +3 13(12) 1d4/1d3 10/20/30 1 S P 2
Longbow (Sheaf) 2/1 0 0 13 1d8 50/100/170 3 L/S P 8


Special Abilities Proficiencies/Skills/Languages
Hide in Shadows 55% +1 to Hit Unjust Weapon & Shield Style Etiquette (C 0)
Move Silently 65% +2 to Save Rolls Long Sword Survival (Forest) (I 0)
Detect Noise 45%   Bastard Sword Swimming (S 0)
Climb Walls 60%   Dagger Riding/Land (W +3)
    Longbow Hunting (W -1)
Aura of Fear 10'
NPC's of 1/2 level save for paralyzation
Aura of Bravery 10'
+4 to saves if source is evil
  (1 spare prof.)  
Immune to Fear      
    Common (R/W)  

Gear, Supplies and Inventory.
Item Wt Item Wt Item Wt
Tunic x3, Soft boots x2   Shovel, candle x4 4 +3 Long Sword 4
Wrist sheath, Black cloak   Glass bottles x 5, Lampoil x 5 6 +1 Long Sword 4
Scabbard x2, Silk jacket   Greek oil x2, Large sack 5 Daggers x4 4
Breeches x2, Gloves   Paper x199, Ink, Wax 1 Longbow, Sheaf arrow x20 5
Winter clothing, quiver   Silk rope x50', Flint & Steel 8 Medium Shield 10
Winter blanket, knife sheath x3   Mirror, Soap, Bell 1 +1 Medium Shield (Broken) (10)
Black surcoat of G 8 Whistle, Chalk, Light Spoon .5 +3 Chainmail (40)
Small bag x5, Backpack, 2 Whetstone -    
Water x8 days 8 Dull sticks x3, Pointy sticks x3 3 Magnifying glass -
Rations x35 days 50 Wooden wedges 1 Extraplanar Creature Goo .5
    Assorted Rocks x10 5 Dragon Claw, Dragon Tooth 2
    Grapple, Pitons x4 6 Transparent blue crystal 2
        Cow skull .5
Potion of Madness          
Potion of Death          

CP (.01) SP (.1) EP (.5) GP (1) PP (5)
20 28 17 15 160


2249 (2500)
4131 (4500)
8999 (9000)
15401 (18000)
30412 (36000)



Dismemberment is just inherently funny.