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So, what does everyone in the party do?

Well, since it's easiest to explain the DM, I'll start there.

In this game, both Drake (not his name, remember), and Yi-Jeng (normally just YJ) are DM's. It's quite cool, because the party can split up and one group doesn't have to wait for the other to be finished.

The rest of the party consists of Chris, Hong, Dean, David, and me.

CHRIS now plays our new Halfling, Clarence, an incredibly flambouyant fighter of some sort. I road pirate, really, though I must say, he seems to be quite the amusing fellow, and promises to be a good addition to our motley crew of wanderers, who actually undertook this whole deal for a measly 200 gold.
At the start of the campaign, he played Wong, what's best described as a Shaolin Monk. Specialized fighter, unarmed only, he does major damage, and he has a few mystic abilities. Healing hands and such. Other than that, Wong is very mysterious, we don't even know his whole name, but we know he comes from a far-off land. As a monk, he is supposed to be selfless and lawful, which he's not, which is why Chris is retiring him.

HONG plays Lenimer. Yet another Rogue, a bard this time, though. (He seems to play rogues a little too well sometimes) He's all around a highly effective character, and aside from Dean, probably our most effective in a fight. Once again, fairly mysterious, but then again, I guess nobody has really asked. He doesn't play an inaccessible mystery, so I never tried to puzzle him out.

DEAN is once again, a fighter. He's not as big as in the other game, but he's stronger. Once again he pulled of a high 18, 18/00 this time. He does 2d4 +10 points of damage, with a +6 to hit. His name is Aris-Dean (I think it's because our DM's always forget our names. ^_^) Aris-Dean is very mysterious, he knows military codes and operations of the Empire, and he comes from the north. Even more north than I did. He knows how to act like an officer of the Empire, and understands their military history. I think he was an officer of the Empire, or at least hired freelance by them.

DAVID is Evers, even MORE mysterious than Aris-Dean, and most definitely from the Empire. He had these bracers on his arm that someone in the Empire had used to control him, as he was a mage in a world where magic was incredibly rare. The people who controlled him used him to destroy an unknown number of towns, including his home town. As a result, he psychologically is incapable of casting any of his destructive spells. He's either dual-, or multi-classed, I forget which. Level 2 fighter, level 5 mage.

And of course, I am Hal, the dark hulking Avenger, vanquisher of evil, stalker of the night. I come from the north. Back before the Empire suddenly changed and decided to conquer the world, Hal lived right on the border of the Empire, his city being one of the first to fall to the amazing military might of the Empire. He moved on the leading edge of the Empire fighting them when he could, until he arrived in Talmak Port and took the job for the government of Senolon.


In this world, the Empire exists to the north-east, and is slowly conquering the continent. Directly to the south of the Empire's occupied territory is Aconia, a trade nation who are remarkably like the Centauri. They're funny that way. To the north-west of Aconia, and the west of the Empire, is the country of Senolon, which largest cities are Senolon City, Talmak Port, north of Senolon, and Voth, east across the mountains of Senolon, right above Aconia. South of Senolon and Aconia are the Barbarian Nations, which we don't know anything about.




Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.