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These aren't really questions that you will outright answer in your character's story, but just something you may want to keep in mind, or write down some place so you know it if it ever comes up. ^_^

What was the most important thing the character learned from his/her parents/guardians?

What part(s) of the character's childhood most influenced the person he/she is today?

What kind of music does the character like?

If the character could have anything in the world, what would it be?

What are five things that the character likes to do that have absolutely nothing to do with his/her profession or shadowrunning.

What kinds of movies/trideos does the character like and why?

What would the character's perfect relationship partner look and be like?

If the character could change one thing about him/herself, what would it be?

What does the character find most annoying about him/herself?

What is the character's favorite food?

When the character was a child, what did he/she want to be when grown up?

If the character was suddenly prevented from shadowrunning, what would he/she do instead?

If the character had a choice between saving a teammate and an innocent child from a life-threatening situation and knew whichever one he/she didn't save would die, which one would he/she choose?

What's the best way to persuade the character to do something?

Is the character sentimental about anything? If so, what? If not, tell me when the borg came and visited you!

Does the character have any catch phrases, nervous tics, or personal habits that would identify him/her?

What is your character's highest value? Is it a person? A code of conduct? An abstract concept? Why does the character hold this value highest?

What insult would be most likely to make the character angry?

If the character has a code that prevents him/her from killing, what, if anything, would make him/her kill?

Where would be the character's idea of a good place to take a date? (if any of you characters answer "monster truck show" they probably won't be getting many dates.)

What sorts of situations make the character feel awkward or ill-at-ease?

How does the character see him/herself?

What aspect of him/herself is the character most uncomfortable with?

What aspect of him/herself is the character most satisfied with?

How does the character behave at parties?

What (if anything) does the character see as his/her place in the Universe?

How does the character behave around someone in whom he/she is interested romantically?

Does the character believe in true love?

If the character was not a member of his/her current profession, what other profession would he/she prefer to be? (That is, if the character couldn't be a rigger, would s/he like to be a mage? A decker? A samurai? Something else?) *(I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote this one, since I generally dislike such narrow classifications such as rigger, decker, and samurai.)

What does the character like best about his/her chosen shadowrunning profession (rigger, mage, samurai, decker, etc.)? *(Ditto)

What does the character like least about his/her shadowrunning profession?

Does the character have any possession(s) he/she is particularly attached to?

What's the character's favorite animal? If he/she doesn't like animals at all, why not?