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Name Value Notes
Odius Personal Habit -1 to -3 Varying bad or annoying habits. +1/+3/+5 TN for social rolls.
Albino -4 Severe allergy to sunlight, distinguishing features. (white skin, pink eyes.)
Deaf -4 Neural hearing centers are dead, cyber won't repair it. Sign language neccessary.
Epilepsy -6 +4 to all TN when stressed and a Will(10) to avoid spasms for 10-Will minutes.
Obese -2 -1 Quickness, -1 Charisma, +1 die to Swimming.
Giant -3 +1 Body, +1 Strength, -1 Quickness, +1 TN for positive social encounters.
Hemophilia -6 +1 box physical damage per minute after any wound until a coagulant is applied. Not usable with Platelet Factories.
Mute -5 Similar to being Deaf, but the player can't talk.
Skinny -1 -1 TN to fit through small places, -1 Strength.
Stutters -2 +2 TN for speaking/language skills, must be roleplayed. ^_^
Absent Minded -3 +4 TN to all memory related tests, +3 to TN for things requiring conversation.
Alcoholic -3 +6 TN to resist taking a drink or the urge to get drunk.
Bad Temper -2 Will(5) roll to resist reacting to people who insult or annoy him.
Berserk -3 Will(9) test to resist flying out of control into an all-out attack until foe is dead or unconscious. Wound aren't felt until the rage wears off.
Bloodlust -2 Will only go for the kill, never attacks to wound or maim. A Will(8) roll is neccessary to resist the urge, but the player can sometimes (Will 6) overcome the urge if the situation is truly critical.
Bully -2 Will(4) test to resist pushing people the PC percieves as weaker around.
Cowardice -2 Must make a Will(5) test to not run from any percieved danger.
Dyslexia -3 Can NEVER learn to read. Period. It's a neural dysfunction.
Fanatic -3 Pretty self-explanatory, the PC's personal cause can be just about anything.
Glutton -1 PC eats all the time, though they may be obese, normal, or skinny.
Greedy/Miserly -2 Hordes all money and is loathe to use it. Mostly a roleplaying thing.
Gullible -2 +4 TN to resist fast talk or to know if the PC is being lied to.
Honest (haha) -4 Will not break the law. Ever. (Constable Fraser from Due South is a good example.)
Impulsive -3 Always rushes into things, has a -2 to reaction tests.
Jealousy -2 PC is always jealous of anyone who they perceive as having some advantage over them.
Kleptomania -3 Must steal daily, +1 die to any one stealing skill.
Lecherous -3 Makes passes at anything that moves. :)
Overconfident -2 A roleplay device mostly, the character believes that there's nothing out there that can stop them.
Paranoia -1 Pretty normal in the world of SR. Character doesn't trust people.
Pyromania -1 Loves to light fires, given an idle moment, the character will start something burning. Role play it.
Sadism -3 Enjoys causing pain, doesn't like to kill someone right away. +1 to torture skills.
Masochism -4 Loves to feel pain. +1 stun box for each wound taken, stun or physical, +2 to resist pain, suffers no negative modifers for Light or Moderate wounds.
Split Personality varies -2 per alternate personality. Requires massive roleplaying. Each personality will have the same attributes, but widely varying skills and traits.
Unlucky -1 to -3 The character suffers unusual amounts of bad luck. Things break in their hands, stuff just suddenly bursts into flames. Level 3 will also project a level 1 unluck to everyone around the PC.
Vows -1 to -3 Varies depending on how strong the person holds their vows. The PC's vows can be virtually anything.
Weak Willed -1/level +1 TN per level to ALL Willpower test.
Watched -1 to -4 Equal to a Hunted of 2 levels higher. The Watcher will virtually never interfere with the PC's life or make their presence known, they really are just watching. Reasons can be anything.


Name Value Notes
Double Jointed +2 +1 die to contortionism tests, +1 die to all build/repair, +1 to reaction.
Astrally Insensitive 3/level -1 TN/level to resist ALL spells, +1 TN/level for magician to heal the PC or locate magically.
Peripheral Vision 4 -1 TN, +1 die to all visual based perception tests.
Rapid Healer 3 -1 TN for all healing tests, and 1/3 base time to heal wounds.

Physical Edges and Flaws

Full Ambidexterity
Value: 7
The next step up from Ambidexterity, the character is totally ambidextrous. He has no modifiers for offhand, both hands, or simultaneous useage.


Background Edges and Flaws

Background Trouble
Value: -1
Somewhere in your past, you've left problems that could lead to difficulties if ever you go back where you left the trouble. You might have a relatively large organization gunning for you, but insufficiently motivated to chase you to your current location.

Hidden Past
Value: -1
Either you're trying to keep your own past secret, or there's something about it you yourself are not aware of. Either way, respectable amounts of trouble may ensue when it's uncovered that you're not just any orphan, you're the illegitimate grandchild of a megacorporate CEO, or you were once a charter member of the Humanis Policlub.

Value: -1
Someone did something major for you in the past and you owe them, big time. They can call on you for favors which may be fairly dangerous.

Manchurian Candidate
Value: -1
Someone somewhere has programmed your brain in a way you cannot identify to make you do something you don't know about. Triple the points if you don't know that you are programmed.


Magical Edges and Flaws

Value: +2 or +10
Elves only. For two points you are a young immortal. You can still be killed normally, but you do not age past adulthood. You may not even know you're immortal, but someone somewhere knows and is watching you. For ten points you are an old immortal. You've been around since the last age of magic or before, and you have seen it all. You get an extra 30 points to allocate to any skills that aren't based on modern technology, and such general skills may start as high as 9 instead of the usual 6. At least 18 of the 30 points must be used on knowledge skills appropriate to an immortal. A young Immortal must have a -1 or -2 point Watched or -1 point Hunted flaw, the Hunter or Watchers will almost always be an old immortal. An old Immortal must have a -3 or -4 point Hunted, all of the points from them MUST be a single individual who is also another old immortal.


Mental Edges and Flaws

Code of Honor
Value: -1
Unlike most shadowrunners, you possess a firm code of ethics. (You must define this as part of your character creation, though your character's position on such issues may change over time.) You have little difficulty with most attempts to make you break your code; with respect to stronger temptations, such as torture or mental manipulations, your effective Willpower is two points higher.

Lightning Calculator
Value: +1
You have an exceptional talent for mental arithmetic, and are dangerous at the poker and blackjack tables due to your ability to estimate odds on the fly. Gain -2 to all appropriate target numbers.

Value: -1
You a naturally shy person, and prefer to avoid most social situations if you can. Increase your target numbers for Social activities with strangers by +1, or +2 if you are the center of attention.

Value: -1
While you are not a complete Pacifist, you consider killing to be the last resort, and will only do so when it is obvious that a person cannot be brought to justice or in self-defense; even then, you do so in as humane a means as possible. You have a firm conviction in your beliefs, and will attempt to exhort your teammates to avoid wetwork contracts against all but the most heinous of criminals.

Clear Thinker
Value: +2
You have a -2 bonus or others a +2 penalty when attempts are made to confuse, befuddle, lie to, or fast talk you.

Psychological Limitation
Value: Varies
The character has a screw loose. The is something that the character won't do, or believe is fact. The key items to consider are how often the situation that triggers the reaction occurs and how strong the reaction is. Examples:

Code against killing: Occurs at least once a game but is not to tough to get around. The PC is fanatical about this and will never violate the code: 3 pts(Sometimes, Extreme)

PC thinks he is Napoleon: The PC will introduce himself as Napoleon to all new people and he maintains that he is the real McCoy. He is tolerant of those who do not believe him and he \par won't put up a fuss: 2 pts(Often, mild)

Kleptomaniac: The PC get the urge to steal but not all the time, and it is somewhat controllable: 2 pts(Sometimes, Strong)

The PC thinks that anything Purple is a sentient alien from Mars bent on destruction of truth, freedom, and the UCAS way. This may be an extreme example but then the PC is an extreme guy. He will attack anything purple: 4pts(Often, Extreme).

PC's Reaction Situation Occurs
Mild: -0 pts Rarely(20% chance): -0
Strong: -1 pts Sometimes(50% chance): -1
Extreme: -2 pts Often(80% chance): -2


Presence Edges and Flaws

Eerie Presence
Value: -1
You may be physically unexceptional, but there's just a creepy aura about you; choose how it manifests, whether people are simply uneasy around you, if they get the feeling you exude waves of invisible slime, if menace and evil hang over your head like smog, et cetera. You possess a +2 penalty to Social rolls around most people, though friends may grow to overlook your magical air and some people - often magically active, though many enlightened, self-assured people also possess such capabilities - may automatically overlook it.