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Holdout Pistols
Now, I'mt not a great fan of tiny, tiny guns, but, well, there are a few I've seen around and decided they were cool, and hey, who's going to argue with both barrels from a .410 gauge pistol?

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street I
Mini-Cop .22 10 4(b) SS 4L .5 4/24 hours 200¥ 1
American Derringer .410 9 2(b) SS/B 6S/8S .5 3/36 hours 175¥ 1.5
Davis Derringer .25ACP 11 2(b) SS/B 4L/7L .5 2/12 hours 75¥ .8
Feather Guardian Angel 12 2(b) SS/B 4L/6L .5 2/18 hours 50¥ 1

Very Light Pistols

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street I
Beretta Tomcat .22 9 10(c) SA 4L .5 3/12 hours 150¥ 1
Beretta Tomcat .32 9 8(c) SA 6L .5 3/12 hours 180¥ 1
Colt Mustang .380 9 7(c) SA 6L .5 2/12 hours 200¥ 1
Daewoo DH-380 8 7(c) SA 6L .5 2/12 hours 150¥ 1
Phoenix Arms HP25 9 10(c) SA 5L .5 2/12 hours 100¥ 1
Ruger .22 Standard 6 10(c) SA 4L 1.25 5/24 hours 1500¥ 1
Comes with an integral Smartlink 1 and silencer
SIG P-230 .380 8 9(c) SA 6L .5 4/24 hours 350¥ 1.5
Sphinx AT380 8 11(c) SA 6L .75 3/24 hours 200¥ 1.5
S&W Sigma .380 8 7(c) SA 6L .5 2/12 hours 120¥ 1

Light Pistols

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street I
Ares AMP 9mm 6 40(c) SA/B/F 6L 2 8/36 hours 1,000¥ 2
Internal Gas Vent 2
Firestar Plus 9mm 7 13(c) SA 6L .75 3/12 hours 350¥ .8
Glock 26 9mm* 8 10(c) SA 6L .6 4/12 hours 400¥ 1
Glock 27 .40* 8 9(c) SA 8L .6 4/12 hours 450¥ 1
Glock 19 9mm* 7 15(c) SA 7L .6 6/36 hours 700¥ 3
Glock 23 .40* 7 12(c) SA 8M .6 6/36 hours 800¥ 3
*All Glocks come with integral laser or smartlink 1 (+250¥), or smartlink 2 (+550¥)
H&K P11 9mm 7 8(c) SA 6L .5 5/36 hours 600¥ 1.25
H&K P9S 9mm 7 10(c) SA 6L .6 5/48 hours 650¥ 2
Intratec CAT 9mm 8 7(c) SA 6L .5 5/18 hours 300¥ 1
Intratec CAT .45 8 6(c) SA 8L .5 5/18 hours 350¥ 1
Kahr Arms K9 7 10(c) SA 8L .6 4/36 hours 400¥ 1.5
Kahr Arms mK9 8 7(c) SA 8L .5 5/36 hours 300¥ 1
FN Five-Seven 5.7x28mm 6 20(c) SA 6L 1 10/7 days 1,200¥ 2
Internal laser. Ammunition is 60¥ per 10 rounds, with the same availabity as the weapon. Uses APDS rules.
Phoenix Arms HP25HB 8 10(c) SA 5M .5 3/12 hours 150¥ 1
Ruger P93 9mm 6 12(c) SA 8L 1 3/12 hours 400¥ 1
SIG P-228 9mm 6 16/21(c) SA 8L ..8 5/24 hours 450¥ 2
SIG P-229 .357 SIG 6 14(c) SA 8M .8 6/24 hours 550¥ 2
S&W 5906 9mm 7 16(c) SA 8L .8 5/24 hours 600¥ 1
Available with internal laser or smartlink (+250¥), or smartlink 2 (+575¥)
S&W Sigma 9mm 6 13(c) SA 8L 1 4/36 hours 450¥ 1
Stoer Luger 9mm 6 9(c) SA 8L .9 5/36 hours 400¥ 1.5

Machine Pistols
Well, most machine pistols are actually listed in the appropriate class, since, well, I felt like it. So there. These two I could do the same thing with, but ah, who cares? The Micro Uzi really is a machine pistol, accept it, and the Calico, well, what the frag are you using this for? Aside from a really good gun for shooting squirrels or maybe cheap cover fire, you can do better. I mean, really, why do you want a .22 caliber gun that's got a Conceal of 4? Unless maybe you don't like to reload or think that never, ever in your life will you have to shoot someone in armor. Or, unless, you're going for a Storm Trooper look, since for some reason, it looks a LOT like a blaster rifle. :)

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availabilty Cost Street I
Calico Model 100 .22LR 4 100(c) SA/B/F 4L 2.7 6/36 hours 900¥ 2
Internal laser and internal gas vent 4. Weapon negates 3 points of recoil itself, for a total of 7 before strength mods.
Mini-Uzi 9mm 6 20(c) SA/FA 6L 1.5 6/2 days 800¥ 2
internal gas vent 2