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Ammunition(per 10 shots)

Type Conceal Damage Weight Availabilty Cost Street I
APEX 8 +2 Power, 1/2 ballistic .75 16/24 days 275¥ 4
API 8 +1 Power, 1/2 ballistic .5 10/20 days 200¥ 3
Blitz Action Trauma 8   .25 8/6 days 200¥ 3
Raise wound level by one, but lowers power by 1/3. Will not penetrate armor with a ballistic rating higher than 5.
Narco-Gel 8   .3 6/3 days 250¥ 2
6D stun, plus normal gel round damage (power -2 stun)
Reverse Ogive THV 8   .5 4/48 hours 80¥ 1
+2 power. A CAD round designed to create as close to a perfect inverse shockwave as can be produced, increasing the pressure on impact and reducing chance of richochet
Reverse Ogive AP-THV 8   .75 11/10 days 220¥ 2
+2 power, 1/2 ballistic. A simple armor piercing variant of the standard THV, it offers all the benefits of the extremely rare APEX ammo without the dangers that come with normal explosive rounds.
Paint Rounds 8   .5 2/1 hour 40¥ 1
-5 to power, stun damage vs. impact armor. Contains 2-3cm^3 of paint available in a huge array of colors.
Hollow Point (JHP) 8   .5 3/24 hours 20¥ 1
Wound level raised by 1, vs ballistic armor at -2 power.

Internal Gas Vent Systems

Rating Conceal Weight Availabilty Cost Street I
Gas venting 1 -0 +0 300¥ 3/2 days 1
Gas venting 2 -0 +.15 500¥ 4/4 days 2
Gas venting 3 -1 +.25 900¥ 5/6 days 2
Gas venting 4 -2 +.35 1,400¥ 6/8 days 4

Pistol Internal Gas Vent Systems

Rating Conceal Weight Availabilty Cost Street I
Gas venting 1 -0 +0 200¥ 2/2 days 1
Gas venting 2 -0 +.0 400¥ 2/2 days 2
Gas venting 3 -1 +.15 700¥ 4/4 days 4

Miscelaneous Equipment

Tool Laser
The size of a fountain pen, the tool laser is quite a toy. It can cut through relatively thin materials (2cm) quickly, or, if the beam is sustained, more. If used as a weapon, the tool laser is treated as a melee weapon with a reach of 2. It does 8L damage, which is resisted by the doubled value of impact armor. Cost: 1,000¥