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House Rules

Covering/Suppression Fire
When a character is making a ranged attack with a firearm, he or she has the option to provide covering or suppression fire. Each round fired can effectively cover a 1-meter area for a limited time in the combat turn. Multiple rounds may be targeted into an area to increase the chances of a hit. All areas covered by covering fire must be directly adjecent to each other. Covering/suppression fire lasts until the next Combat Phase of the character making the attack. If the character has no more combat phases in that Combat Turn, the covering or suppression fire will last until the end of the next initiative pass.

If during that time, any target crosses or exposes themselves to the fire zone they might be hit. A Ranged Attack test is resolved against the potential target using a number of dice equal to the number of rounds fired, plus any dice allocated from the attacking character's firearm related skill that he or she wishes to add. However, the character just gets his or her base skill rating to allocate among any number of targets that may present themselves. Combat pool may be added up to the number of skill dice add. The Target Number equals a base of 4 modified only by cover and any damage modifier the attacker must add. Every 2 successes generated results in 1 round striking the target, up to a maximum of the number of rounds fired into the area.

Damage is resolved normally using the number of successes generated from the initial ranged attack test to determine the overall number of successes for damage purposes. However the attacker can not use the successes to stage damage up. Any character hit and suffers a wound during suppression fire loses their actions for that Combat Phase.

Example: Two members of the Danzig's Raiders gang have set up a make shift machine gun nest with a stolen Ingram Valiant. Reaver is attempting to get past the nest and throw a nasty satchel charge into their building, but to do so he has to cross 20 meters of open terrain!

Initiative is rolled. The gang members get an 11 and 7. Reaver rolls and manages to get a 12. Reaver starts the turn by dashing to a nearby wreck of a car. He takes a pot shot at one of the gangers and misses! On 11, the gang member with the light machine gun decides to uses suppression fire to cover the distance between the car that Reaver is hiding behind and the next closet car which is 4 meters away! The gang member allocates 4 rounds to the first meter between the cars, and 3 to each meter area after that, effectively covering 3 of the 4 meters. On 7 the other gang member covers the other side of the car with his submachine gun allocating all 10 rounds to the area just in front of the car. Poor Reaver is effectively trapped behind the car, until other gang members arrive or they run out of ammo.

On the 2nd Initiative Pass, Reaver decides to dash to the next car. Unfortunately by doing this his exposes himself to at least 3 meters worth of fire! The gang member having only a heavy weapon skill of 3 allocates 1 die to each meter with 1 extra combat pool to each meter, for a grand total of 2 additional dice to roll. As Reaver runs out of his hiding place, the gang member rolls 4 dice for the number of rounds and 2 extra dice for his skill and combat pool allocations for a total of 6 dice. The target number is 4. The gang member only rolled 3 successes, indicating that only a single round struck Reaver. Reaver must now resist.

Maximum ROF Rules
Closer to real ROF than published SR rules, similar to Cyberpunk2020.

SMGs can fire 40 rounds per combat phase
Assault Rifles can fire 30 rounds per combat phase
Full-auto shotguns can fire 12 rounds per combat phase
LMGs can fire 40 rounds per combat phase
MMGs can fire 40 rounds per combat phase
HMGs can fire 30 rounds per combat phase
Tri-barrel Mini-guns can fire up to 80 rounds per combat phase
Quad-barrel Mini-guns can fire up to 100 rounds per combat phase
Normal Mini-guns can fire up to 150 rounds per combat phase
Super machine-guns can fire up to 70 rounds per combat phase

Semi Automatic Weapons, or weapons that may fire SA
A player may fire any number of shots, resolving each shot individually. Recoil accumulates normally, ROF is only really limited by sanity, ammo capacity, or TN. Rounds beyond the 5th or 6th fired are obviously hasty shots, and so if switching to a second target after more than 4 rounds have been fired from a gun adds a +3 to the TN, instead of the normal +2.

Example: Joe Runner fires off ten shots from his Colt Manhunter equipped with level 1 recoil compensation. His base target is 4 so the adjusted target numbers are as follows: 4,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12.

The exception to this rule is exceptionally powerful SA guns. Any weapon that has a power higher than 10 can only fire four shots per round in SA mode, higher than 12 can only fire three shots per round, and higher than 14, only two shots.

Full Auto
A player may fire any number of bursts containing at least 4 rounds (unless a lack of ammo prohibits a full final burst). If any CONSECUTIVE bursts successfully hit then calculate the damage rating as if the bursts were fired as one, adding together the total number of rounds and successes.

Example 1: Joe Runner fires a 6 round burst, a 9 round burst, and then another 6 round burst from his assault rifle equipped with level 3 recoil compensation. His base target is 4 so the adjusted target numbers are as follows: 7,16,22. If both the first and second bursts hit the damage would be calculated as if 15 rounds were fired as one burst. If the first and the last bursts hit they are still treated separately.

Magnification scopes and eyes
Instead of shifting range down by steps (1,2,3) multiply the ranges by the rating of the scope +1, cyber eye magnification can also be combined with scopes using these rules to create up to a magnification rating of 6. Multiply by is what the short/med/long/extreme ranges on the range chart are modified by for each weapon that has a magnification modifier.

Mag Rating Multiply by
1 1.5
2 3
3 4
4 6
5 8
6 10

Because, really, a gun with a scope doesn't make thing within a certain range bigger and that's it, it makes everything bigger, and even a .22 can fire up to 1.5 kilometers. And there are a few weapons that may seem to have ranges that are slightly absurd with a Mag-3 scope, but in actual game play, someone with a Mag-3 on a missile launcher may shoot at an aircraft 15 klics away, but someone with a Mag-3 on a Assault Cannon won't likely have a clear line to a ground target 13 klics away, though one mounted on a plane may.

Note: These modifications do not apply to weapons with Strength-based ranges like grenades or knives, so a Strength 2 weakling with Mag-3 can not throw a knife 100 meters, as magnification does not increase your strength, so in that case, normal magnification rules apply.


Open Locks
Opening locks covers hard locks (padlocks, etc.), electronic locks, and computer locks. Each type requires its own special tools, and characters can concentrate in any of those three types (or any other types that may exist). A hard lock kit costs 200¥. An electronic lock kit costs 400¥, and a computer lock kit costs 800¥. Opening locks is usually an unresisted test against the lock's rating, with extra successes reducing the base time to unlock. Some especially tough locks will have a threshold less than or equal to their rating.

Impersonation covers all forms of impersonating other people: ventriloquism, disguise, and mannerisms. Each of those three can be concentrated in. Using this skill is usually an unresisted test against a number chosen by the referee, using the Skill Success Table. A troll trying to impersonate a human, for example, will find it nearly impossible. The referee will need to take into account the backgrounds and appearance of the impersonator and the person being impersonated. A street punk impersonating a CEO will find it a difficult task, unless the street punk has knowledge of corporate etiquette.

The number of successes show how well the impersonation succeeded. Only one success will be necessary to fool most people. People who know the person being impersonated well will have a threshold up to their intelligence. If the street punk tries to impersonate the CEO to the CEO's wife, the punk will need at least one more success than the wife's intelligence. Impersonating the CEO to his secretary will require only 1 extra success (a threshold of 1).

The impersonator can reduce the target number by studying what needs to be done. If the street punk above finds someone willing to show him how a corporate CEO acts, he can make an Intelligence test vs. the target number (6), and the successes here reduce the target number when making the actual impersonation attempt. The street punk's intelligence is 3. He rolls 1 six. This brings the impersonation target number down to 5. Characters cannot study to bring down target numbers that are high because of physical reasons (a troll impersonating a human). The referee will have to decide which part of the target number is physical and which mental. It takes target number days to study for the intelligence test.

A disguise kit costs Rating times 50¥ and weight three times Rating kilograms. The rating is the maximum target number the kit can deal with. A rating 5 kit can only be used for challenging or easier impersonations.

Sleight of Hand
Sleight of Hand covers picking pockets, magic tricks, and diverting attention. Each of those can be concentrated in. Sleight of Hand is usually an unresisted success test against the target's intelligence (perception). The referee may assign a threshold for particularly difficult sleight-of-hand attempts. Picking a pocket is fairly easy (no threshold), but picking a pocket inside several layers of clothing will be more difficult (a threshold of 1 or 2).

A magic kit will cost 50¥ or more, depending on what the character is going to do.

Ambidexterity (Both)
Works hand in hand with the Ambidexterity edge. Skill uses an unresisted success test with a TN of 4 to lower the modifier of using both hands at once. Without Ambidexterity edge, the TN is 6. The modifier from using both hands at once can not be lowered below 0 for each weapon. (Normal modifier is +2 per weapon.)

A normal person trying to use two weapons simultaneously has a +2 modifier with his good hand, and a +4 for his offhand, and so would need 6 successes rolled against a TN of 6 to get no modifier for both hands.

A person with the Ambidextrous edge has a +2 modifier for each hand, so he would need only 4 successes against a TN of 4 to bring the modifier to 0 for both hands.