Scandinavia, 2005 Part 4, On to Denmark The whole crew at the Louisiana Museum north of Copenhagen, Sweden in the background.
Dad and Betty cutting a rug (or slicing a cement) in Tivoli, Copenhagen.
Goddess who turned her sons into
bulls and ploughed the best part of Sweden away
Back of cousin Thomas' head with
cousins Kate, Susanne, Sven, friend Martin and Hanne.
Katarina, Henrik, Betty (occluded), Gabs, Mark's beautiful Dad, and the dork.
Playing a viking game (no blood).
Thomas showing excellent form.
Near the Roskilde Viking Museum.
Karolina and Katarina dressing up at the museum.
Mark's gorgeous Dad and equally gorgeous cousin Ronnie.
Good mate Mitch from California
joined us in Denmark. He seems to be making
Betty and irrepressible cousin Elsa, Dad's first cousin.
Gabbi is sceptical; Sissel is interested; Jennifer is dead serious.
Dad doing his family research in the land of his parents' birth.
A strawberry Danish flag--great dessert.
Danish Boy, Calvin, sends you to the home page.