Scandinavia, 2005 Part 5 Lovely lunch at Bille's Minde, the
ancestral farm of my Dad's family. Vibeke here
Patiently waiting for lunch at cousin Ronnie's.
Cousin Elsa and her grand kids, Nikolaj and Sissel (Ronnie and Sanne's progeny).
Lunch finally arrived.
Elsa is way cool.
"Cool" would not be the word for these too, however.
Bille and Ronnie explore a Danish dolmen, burial site about 5000 years old.
From the inside.
Mark's gorgeous dolmenating Dad.
Jeffrey in "pounce position" over the entrance to the dolmen.
An above ground dolmen and the
poppies of Flanders Fields
Copenhagen from Our Saviour's Church, near Jørgen and Åse's place.
Cherub butts in Our Saviour's Church.
View from Dad'd cousin's place of Our Saviour's spire.
Dad and his cousins from his Dad's side of the family.
Dance your way back to the home page with that model for living, Calvin.