Roman Mythology
Who Wrote What:
Abbie:- Gods and Goddesses: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune
Aaron:- Myths: Romulus and Remus, Camilla, Charon and the River Styx
Liz:- Gods and Goddesses: Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Juno, Venus, Vesta, Vulcan
- Myths: Cupid and Psyche
- Gods in the Roman Homes
- Roman vs Greek
- Quiz
- Balm, Maurice and Morwood, James. Oxford Latin Course Part I, Copyright 1996, Oxford University Press, New York.
- Daly, Kathleen N. Greek and Roman Mythology A-Z, Copyright 1992, Facts On File, NY.
- "Encyclopedia Mythica: Roman Mythology," http://pantheon.org/mythica/areas/roman
- "Roman Gods," http://www.gwydir.demon.co.uk/jo/roman/.
- "Roman Gods and Associates," http://www3.sympatico.ca/untangle/roman.html.
- "Roman Mythology," http://www.cybercomm.net/~grandpa/rommyth.htm
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