We are a five pair Eurosock band.
We are awesome. Worship us. |
10/25- We wish to welcome you, our throngs of emptyheaded worshippers, to our full US Tour for our new album. Supporting us athletically will be BVD Nation, and the lowly americans Crucial Agony. We kick off the tour starting on Halloween night in NY, so don't miss it! If you do you will cry yourself to sleep every night for the rest of your life.
Yes, we are that good. To see the complete list of tour dates, visit our record label website - Dark Futures.
We are very proud of ourselves. We have made a wonderful new album from our live material and B sides.
You will love it as you love us. Here is the sexy album cover artwork done by Steve.
Track Listing
socks in silence and sexy new remakes sock with me |
We would like to post the lyrics for you, but we are all very drunk on fabric softener right now and it looks like Steve has set his hair on fire again. We will see all of you, our loving fans on our upcoming tour this fall. Visit our label - Dark Futures Records for more news.
We have a huge U.S. fanbase even though our fans in our homeland idolize us ceaselessly.
We recently toured for our first album. We got very drunk. It was great.
We also performed recently with the German band, Project Tablefork.
As of now, we are relaxing, undergoing lint removal, and starting work on a new
full length album which we hope to present to our fans in the fall of 2002.
We have a side project in the works, called Das Boot, a collaborative
effort between us and the UBER industrial band, I BEIN FUCHT.
Our musical prowess has been recognized by the underground record label
DARK FUTURES. We are happy to be signed on by them and catered to
like the voluptuous rock legends we are becoming. They give us lots of beer.
We thank you all, our groveling fans and saucy groupies for your continued
homage. While the animal sacrifices are not necessary, it is the thought that counts.
We are so worthy. We love you all, and we love us all as well. Come back soon
for more news and updates.
Welcome to my ego
Track listing