Day 15

Excerpt from Raiyn's poetry book


Forever will I die
Because he loves me.
For eternity I cry
Because he loves me.
My eyes are growing dim
Because he loves me.
My black thoughts are of him
Because he loves me.

Here I languish painfully
Kiss away my treachery
I am pathetic love debris
Stab me Stab me Stab me Stab me.

Stab me stab me oh stab me again.
Stab me some more, I can't remember when
The blackness was so dark and cold.
Let your angel wings enfold.

I am nothing, I am no more. My heart a bloodstain on the floor.
You love hath slain me. Here I die. Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye.

Gothicknight's song lyrics

(start song with flappy bat noises and a woman sobbing)

In my deepest torment I have met my darkest fear
She lies right down beside me, her sorrow draws me near.
We lie awake still weeping from the pain of the lost years
While the monster laughs, we stand beneath

Behold the shirtless demon who makes us all his slaves
Condemned our souls to colorful and sunshine laden graves
But I will not surrender to this rodent, not me dear,
For I will rise above the darkened SHADOW OF HIS EARS.

Oh Oh Oh the SHADOW falls
Somewhere in the neon night I think that Goofy calls
But his siren song we shall not heed
Listen not my sister, come to me
I watch you bleed..bleed bleeeeeeeeed....

(insert wailing guitar solo and desparing female vocals)

With this razor blade I enscribe my heart with pain
We die within each others arm, not to ever rise again.
But we shall walk the night with no torment, no more fears
For we have slipped out from underneath

(insert samples of chains and weeping here)

languish onward...