Day 2....

Disdaine could not come to any kind of agreement on a shelter. Hellmuncher insisted
that the only real shelter was in the service to Lucifer. Blackhole mumbled and carved
a little house shape into his forearm next to the scabby mickey head. Angry Kitty went
FORSAKEN EARTH!" Hellmuncher then replied "You said the "G" word..." and his head
spun around a few times. Angry Kitty shrieked "I am not going to do all the %%$?! work
myself you &*$@!! bastards! It's &*&% hot my vinyl shorts are suctioned to my ass, my eyeliner is smeared and I need a &6%$$ cigarette!!!"

She then bashed Blackhole a few times with her spiked vinyl purse, grabbed him by his
snarly black hair and dragged him across the asphalt in search of building materials. After
several hours of searching, squawking, purse whacking and bleeding, a haphazard construction
of stale waffle cones and greasy cardboard from french fry containers was...kinda standing.
"MY GAWD! What a piece of &$$^*!! I can't believe I have to live in this sty with you
two morons!!!"
Kitty bellowed. Blackhole, who now had a black eye and several gouges
that were not self inflicted, quoted Manson "I'm dyin, I hope you're dyin too"and retreated within.
Angry Kitty found some clove cigarettes in the bottom of her purse, but discovered that she
had no lighter. After an ugly hissy fit, she ate them.

Day 3....

The next day's challenge was truly an exercise in cruelty. The clan members each had to
wear mouseears and hold a bright red Mickey head balloon for five minutes while getting
their picture taken with Minnie. The pressure was on....

Some of the more memorable moments:

Amaranthia consciously assured herself aloud that the mouseears were black. SOOOO black.
VERY BLACK. blackblackblackblackblack. black. And she was thankful the balloon was at
least red and not some awful color like peach.

Though Doomboy fumed while the ears were put on him, he comforted himself with evil
thoughts like Donald Duck roasting on a spit. He soon managed a maniacal grin for the picture,
and even asked Minnie if he could get her a Molotov cocktail afterward.

Deadbolt garnished the mouseears with screws and decided to sing the Mickey Mouse
Themesong in German (because everything sounds scary in German).

Scrofula kept trying to eat the balloon because it was red.

Angry Kitty started a brawl with Minnie and was eventually tied up with pink sparkly rope
while the mouseears were strapped to her head. She then spouted obscenities that even
George Carlin wouldn't repeat, until Snow White jammed a shiny red apple in her mouth.

Blackhole brooded and rolled his eyes back into his head, later carving a balloon shape
into his other forearm.

The mouseears wouldn't actually fit over Gothicknight's bulletproof hair, so instead
they made him wear Cinderella's dress.

Day 4....

By day four, the goths were exhausted from excessive joy and unwelcome fun.
Several of them weren't sleeping very well due to some clanmembers nocturnal habits.

Deadbolt found he had to smack Scrofula around, seeing as how the "vampire" had tried to bite
his neck but failed miserably when one of his fangs became lodged in Deadbolt's nose.
Scrofula found himself secured to the ground with screws not long after that episode.

Hellmuncher kept Angry Kitty awake by talking in his Aramaic.

Doomboy's clanmates awoke to his frequent screams about "duckholders". "NO!!
Gothicknight would then smack him with Raiyn's poetry book to awaken him. Doomboy
refused to explain his vocal nightmares, saying that they were too evil for human

DJ Rancor was having issues with the constant HOE DOWN music blaring from
every speaker in Frontierland. He decided that he must play his Headhunter remixes
to drown out the incessant backwoods yodeling and clapping. To his horror however,
no one in the entire group of goths had brought a CD player. Ankh tried to comfort
him with a story about her lifetime as a five legged platypus at Chernobyl, but he never
stopped crying.

The worst was yet to come...........

Continue on......