Day 7

Yet another cruel test lay waiting for the goths. Each one would be given the name of a disney character. They were to find that character somewhere in the Magic Kingdom. From there, they and their disney-mate must proceed to the assigned checkpoint - Cinderella's Castle - where the prize awaited. The coveted award was immunity to being voted out...and a tube of black lipstick which was being housed in a glass case. The first to get the lipstick would win.

"Bambi" Doomboy said, grinding his teeth. "HeRE BaMbi..." he said in a voice
that would have made apples go sour, and stalked along with his rusty railroad spike.

Velvet found Aladdin very quickly, and he offered to fly her back to the checkpoint on his magic carpet. Unfortunatley due to the 10 pounds of nailpolish, 6 pound wig, and 12 pounds of metal jewelry, the carpet could not lift off with Velvet sitting on it.

Amaranthis found her disney character quickly as well. The Evil Queen noted Amaranthia preening herself in her hand mirror and snatched it from her, chanting "Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" Amaranthia snatched it back, sniping "I'm more GOTH than you, and that's FAIR enough."

Deadbolt came upon Cinderella. He eyed her up and down. Then he grunted "Hey Cindy, wanna screw?"
and chucked a large screw into her cleavage.

Scrofula sidled up to Snow White, who was seated demurely by a fried vegetable stand. "My Dear..." he said taking her hand in his, "Such gothic beauty was never before witnessed by these ancient eyes. Come away with me and we will roam the night together. What could you possibly want with all those little whistling men when I can give you eternity?"

Kitty yanked Grumpy by the beard and shrieked "You're coming with me!!!" "No I'm not!" bellowed Grumpy, as he wiggled free. Kitty waved her purse like a lasso over her head and charged after him.

Blackhole was trying to suffocate himself with cotton candy so he wouldn't have to find Minnie, but it proved useless as the girl mouse bounced up to him. He tried vainly to run, but he collapsed suddenly at the foot of a merry-go-round. It seems that the pink spork was still lodged in his stomach, and his self inflicted wounds had become severely infected from the pea soup incident. He was carried to a very yellow room where he was fed rainbow sherbet until he died of severe colorblindness.

After all had made contact with their disney characters, the race for the lipstick began.

Ankh, however, never made it back in time because she was too busy doing a past life regression on
Thumper - who apparently had other lives as the Velveteen Rabbit, Peter Cottontail, and Gandhi.

DJ Rancor didn't make it back in time either, as Daisy Duck insisted on singing which
caused him to bang his head violently against wooden benches and hot dog carts.

The first to arrive on the scene were Kitty, who was still running after Grumpy and trying to wack him with her purse; and Amaranthia, who was having quite a spat with the evil queen. "Oh sure. conjuring lightning. That makes you so much more GOTH than me. Whatever, you pompous hag." The queen retorted "I'd have my huntsmen cute your heart out....if only you HAD one. "

Amaranthia and Kitty spotted each other, then ran for the glass case. Amaranthis tripped Kitty, who sank her nails into Amaranthia's skirt on the way down and pulled her to her feet as well. This escalated into a full scale cat fight.

Deadbolt arrived on the scene, holding a silvery bundle over his head. He put it down and said to it,
"See Cindy? You look great in duct tape!"

Gothicknight straggled behind Pocahontas, holding his ears and moaning "Please! No more singing about all those...colors!!!!!!"

Raiyn, who was weeping hysterically, was carried in by a dancing fantasia hippo.

The late comers were transfixed by Angry Kitty and Amaranthia who were still wrestling furiously. "You tore my velvet you bitch!!!" "Damn right I am!" "The lipstick is mine!" "What the **&$! do you need it for? you were born with black lips!!"

Suddenly, Velvet arrived, sitting in a chair atop an oversized elephant, preceded by an entourage of 63 camels and Aladdin in front. In the process of her dismount, Velvet managed to puncture a midget and deflate the elephant with her spiked bustle. She walked in a slow laborious fashion toward the checkpoint where the glass case was sitting. She passed the dustcloud that was Kitty and Amaranthia and managed to faint from lack of oxygen on the glass case...thusly winning the challenge.

Doomboy then returned, wearing a bib and still looking for Bambi.

Deadbolt went over to Scrofula, who was liplocked with Snow White. "Eh, give it up, fang boy. These Disney chicks aren't all they're cracked up to be. The blonde couldn't stand a little broken glass in her feet." he said, munching what was left of Cinderella's shoe. He grabbed Scrofula by the neck and flung him on the ground.
" But...she's PERFECT." the "vampire" replied. "Skin as white as snow, hair as black as ebony...lips as red as blood. She sleeps in a glass coffin!! She is my mate for eternity..

He turned to see Pocahontas giving Snow White the heimlich maneuver as she had been choking on a fang.

Continue on......