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The Fool

There are many different variations to the main key words... This is just one of get you started......
Look at the card and write your own meanings........ How does the card make you feel? What do you see? What is the Fool saying to you?

The Fool represents the beginning of a journey and is symbolized by the youful figure of a young man dressed in green-a traditional colour of spring. He appears to be intoxicated by the perfume of a white rose and oblivious to his sudden leap from a rocky precipice into space. But the element of Air, a symbol of the Spirit-an unconfined energy which permeates all things-controls his action. This is shown in the background, with the movement of Air delecately traced through the Celtic Art of interlacing, rather than in precise shapes or solid form.

The Sun has already risen to it's zenith and is slowly descending;a symbol of the beginning and end of a cycle, which is something of a egnima until the significance of The Fool begins to be understood. It has been called the most profound card in the Tarot and summerizes the soul's quest for wisdom and perfection


The Staff slung over his shoulder is tied with a small bundle. it represents all his wordly goods, which seem rather meagre. It is symbolic, however, of the impulsive nature rejecting the material life for something of value. The surrounding mist symbolizes the mysterious element or nature of his quest, whilst the two dogs-like animals simultaneously urge him onwards and pull him back from the dangerous vacuum now created. The Hounds represent the positive and the negative forces that operate in earthly regions.

Dignified It means trusting one's own judgement and going ahead, but with making of plans, rather than a definite commitment. Generally it is not a good influence concerning money or financial investments. If this is clearly understood, a new cycle is indicated which provides real growth in a spiritual and intellectual sense.

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