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The Magacian

Welcome to The Magician........
There are many variations on this meaning for this card,, this is just one of them.. please take your card and meditate on it......
What is the Magician doing? What is he saying to you? keep a journal of your thoughts....

This card represents the Univeral Magician or ArchDruid, evoking an image of the universal energies with thw Wand Of Fire. Such energies are controlled by the powers attributed to Mercury or the Celtic Mugher-a planet traditionally associated with the card, symbolizing action in all forms and phases of life. The symbols shows within the Zodiac Wheel are the energies controlled by the six-pointed Star of David, a symbol of the elvolved Man or Magus

This is enforced by the horizontal figure of eight placed in the first point of the star, a symbol of infinity, which represents the clkosed circle of energy operating within the universe. The crossed sword and wand represent a balance of the elements-Air and Fire-a Spiritual balance of life and death. Neither pierces the immortality of the soul represented by the chalice or cup, a Water element of purity of vision.

Dignified It may appear at times that the querent is being manipulated in a strange way. The positive response is to rely on intuitive and meditative thought to determine the right course of action. The surrounding cards hold the answers as to why this is happening, or perhaps more important, who is resposible for this action.

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