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The Sacral Chakra

Pleasure, well-being, sexuality and abundance

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The Root Chakra
The Sacral Chakra
The Solar Plexus Chakra


Sit or lie in a position where you are comfortable. Burn some incense if you wish an begin to relax. Take several deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth

As you relax visualize a situation where you felt you were sacrificing your aliveness and creativity. Hold the image of this situation in your mind and begin to release your anger and resentment around it. You may say words like "I am angry at you for not recognising my needs"

Repeat these words until you feel that you have been heard. Now imagine that you are recognised for all that you have done. Imagine that you are told "I/We recognise your needs and release you to do what you need to do for yourself." Repeat this to yourself.

As you come back to yourself release this image and let it go. You may want to do this again with other ituations where you have felt like a Martyr.

At the end of each scene visualize a healing color surrounding you. See this color envelopping you and let it act as a healing light to soothe away your emotional pain. Allow yourself to recognize your need to be loved and embrace that need with your own love.

Let that love grow and mature in yourself.

Use this meditation for any other situation where you feel like a Martyr.