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The Password

"In the Craft of Wicca there is a secret password," Inperfect love and in perfect trust," When this password is given from one Wiccan to another, It must mean what it says-there must be be perfecet love and perfect trust bewtween all the members of the Craft. Only through this can a harmonious balance be struck within a coven. All Wiccans must abide by this law."

The Greeting

"When Wiccans meet others when they suspect of being Witches, they never ask them directly if they are Witches. Wiccans tactfully inquire"Are you of the Craft?" If an Affirmative answer is recievedd, a fencing game usually follows where each participant discovers the others affiliations. When Wiccans meet, they give the greeting, "Blessed Be!" or "Merry Meet!". WhenWiccans part company they say" "Blessed Be!" or "Merry Meet, merry part, merry meet again!" When a Witch greets another witch of a different sex, the greeting is always given with a kiss."

The Book Of Shadows

IN the Craft of Wicca, It is traditional to keep a magical record. This magical record is called The Book Of Shadows and has been kept by Witches since time inmemorial. The Book of Shadows is written in the Witches Own Handwriting-this practice stems from the burning times, when to keep such a book was forbidden and any handwriting within it was incriminating evidence. The Book Of Shadows is a record of all knowledge that a Witch acquires during training and is kept hidden from outsiders."

The Measure

"Witches have existed among us for over five thousand years but it was not until the Middle Ages that the fear of Witches led to their persecution. During the Civil War, persecution reached a crescendo and witches went to great lengths to prevent their discolsure. To ensure against betrayal, a length of cord was used to record the height, chest, hips and head and foot size of each member of the coven, known as "The Measure". In the event of disclosure, the measurements could be used to implicate the betrayer to the authorities. A measure was believedto contain part of the soul and could be used magically against the betrayer."


"Not all Witches work in covens. Many Witches choose to work alon, either because they do not have a coven nearby, or simply because they are more comfortable working in solitude. At one time, it would have been very difficult to find a Coven, let alone gain entry to one. However, the vigilance of covens is now relaxing, and those that request entry into the Craft are usually invited to work as part of a group is assessed.
IN the absence of the candidate, the group discuss the matter. If no one has any misgivings the candidate is invited to return as a guest to attend a working circle. The Candidate is allowed to work with the group for three months. AFter this time, if the group deems them suitable, they must either take the oath and take the first-degree intiation or they mustleave the group. The tradition of taking the measure is still used to ensure that they keep their oath. Some covens retain this measure and some return it to the owner."

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