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Sand Demon









Because the Sand Demon is my favorite monster in Divinity I made 2 nice wallpapers featuring the Sand Demon.

Click on them to download.



Over here you can find some stuff to download. Most of them are links to the files which are located on the Divinity site from Larian studios. The collection of official wallpapers can also be found here.

Click to enlarge  Click to enlarge

800x600  1024x768              800x600  1024x768


Click to enlarge

800x600   1024x768

Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

C 800x600  1024x768          800x600   1024x768              800x600  1024x768



The 2 Christmas presents from Larian this year. Click on them ...


Something I got from Lynn, who made this wallpaper, a semi-official wallpaper :o) (Thanx a dozen Lynn !!)


Check out the special 2nd anniversary of the forum wallpaper, with the forum members featured in the game !!!


Download: 800x600 / 1024x768


Click on the picture to go to the 800x600 wallpaper.


Music (all composed by Kirill Pokrovsky)

(For a nice description of all these masterpieces click here)

New !! The divine Divinity Titlle track: Download mp3

War and peace: Download mp3. Read more about this song.

Desert flight: Download mp3 : This song is the background music for an area in the world of Divine Divinity called the Wastelands.

Forest: Download mp3 :This song can be heard while traveling the forests in the world of Divine Divinity.

Demona's run: Download mp3 : This is a piece of music used in one of the 'story' scenes of Divine Divinity.

Bitva: Download mp3 : This is the Russian translation for battle, so ... this is music for a battle.

Voin: Download mp3 : This is a beautiful example of Divine Divinities blending system, this allows the music to flow over when you move from one area to another.



If you want to know why Divinity is not Diablo, and all other kinds of usefull information, you can download a movie here or here (mirror) made by World of Divinity. It's an interview with Lar, the main guy at Larian studios :-).

Shapeshifting: Download mpeg : Shapeshifting is one of the skills in Divine Divinity, and this is a handy skill for the way of the survivor. (15Mb) This is a very old movie by the way ... :-D

You can download the Intro movie right here, and belief me, it's mind blowing !!!

There's also a Divinity Gameplay movie and a movie from the Divinity testroom

And click here to download the E3 2002 Trailer



Check out the larians support site for the latest patch.




Download a cool  ICQ skin made by Polgara !!! Download it here!

Or when you have Windows XP you might want to try out Nemisis' XP login screen. At your own risk ofcourse, it's just a test. Download it here.