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General Info
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Fan profiles
Fan Fiction
Sand Demon


9/3/2003: I've updated the wastelands yesterday (too lazy to make a news bit about that ;-p ) and today I've added kiya's profile to the fan profile list.


5/3/2003: Because of the new interest in the wasteland chronicles on the forum, I've updated that part of my site :-). I've also deleted 2 entire pages full with screenshots because my webspace was full, sorry about that, I only have the newest screenshots now, but the others can be found at Larian.


19/2/2003: And again, after what seems years of nothingness, a new update. I've passed all my exams so ... goodie, we've got a new fan profile and I finally bought the game myself :-), so maybe this will be a motivation for more updates. Larian has also finished a new patch, which will take care of the many bugs still in the game. This will be a major fix and CDV is still testing it, in the meanwhile download the latest patch here.Lady  Polgara has also made a cool Divinity Selector !! Click here to go directly to it or visit her fan page.


20/12/2002: *Cough* I know it's been awhile ... Ok, I admit it, it's been too long since this site was updated but I'll update it now ok? First of all, new fan profiles, sorry people for making you wait soo long :-s. I've got all the maps online now too. In the meanwhile the Wasteland Chronicles got continued so I'll add it to the fan fiction area. There have been more very positive reviews and lots of awards, but I'm afraid you better go to the Larian forum and check them out there :). But I've made a sub section of the reviews tab with all the Awards Divinity has won (and that list will grow ...)


19/10/2002: I've uploaded Dora's picture today, so check out the fan profiles and Map 4 is also online. There are some more reviews and I've put a link to a walkthrough online (in dutch). And check out this interview with Lar !!


14/10/2002: IGN has continued their series on the skills and Myrthos has also put some info on the skills on his fansite. There has been an interview with Lar on Gamezone and the Review section has been updated with yet another possitive review. I've also put a maps section and some info about porions in the general info tab, check them out! And yes !! Finally a new fan profile !!


04/10/2002: The larians have release hotfix 2, check it out in the downloads page. They have also released a new technical support FAQ. IGN has also released some stats on the skills, I'll bring them here as soon as I can. Ofcourse there are more reviews, all of them rating Divinity over 80% !!!


28/09/2002: As you may have noticed, this site hasn't been updated for a little while, but I started university and been a bit busy ;-). But to make this up I've put a very comprehensive Skills overview online in the General info section. I've also added the latest reviews and a new magazine reviews part. Enjoy !!


20/09/2002: There's new stuff in the Sanddemon Shrine. And I've added a new fan profile. The Larians also released a hot fix (I guess that's something like an important patch ey ;-) ), so I've added the fix part in the downloads section.


19/09/2002: I've added some monster stats from the card game in a nice table ;-). It's in the General info section. And I've added a new fan profile.


18/09/2002: And again a new review and another reward !!


17/09/2002: I've added a small overview in the general info section and there's also a new review from FenrisWolf  GamesXtreme


16/09/2002: 2 new UK reviews. Divinity also have entered the UK sales charts at place nr. 2 !! Let's make sure they reach nr. 1 next week ;-). 


14/09/2002: Today the winners at RPGDot are known, check out if you are one of the lucky fellows !! They also had a small interview with Lar, the big guy at Larian, on the day of the big release of Divinity.


13/09/2002: Yes !!! Today Divinity hits the UK stores, and should be available soon in Belgium !! Mr Kej has also put his site online today and it's a work of art !! Check it out in the links section! On WoD the winners of their competition will be announced today, so if you played the game here, go check out if you have won something! There's also a new review/interview at Avault. RPGDot has done a special on the NPC's and The Locus inn has done a special on the character statistics.


6/09/2002: Lynn announced on the 3th of September that the English and the French versions of Divinity have gone gold too!! Release dates are expected to be the 13th for the UK and the Benelux (although it will probably only be in stores arounf the 20th, those lazy belgians ;) ) and the 20th for France. There have been lots of reviews in Gaming magazines like Gen4 (France), PC Gameplay, Computer magazine and power unlimited (Benelux). More good news, one of the sponsored fansites ( ;-) ) is giving away free copies of Divinity !! Check it out here !!

On this site I updated the fan fiction section.


27/08/2002: Sorry for the slow updates people, not like I'm that busy, but here goes: I've updated the links section, I added 2 NEW FAN PROFILES and 2 new previews/reviews. Be sure to check out the General info section for lots of information on the monster (characters) in Divinity and other exciting stuff !!


16/08/2002: Lots of new stuff in the last week, for the German fans there has been a patch release and the adventures of Lar playing the game, also in German. The Larians have also put a Fansite Kit online with all the goodies to start your own site, click here to download (but don't try to do better then yours truly ;-) ). The forummembers count has also reached the 1000th forum member yesterday !! And RPGDot has published a special on the Divinity skeletons.

On this site I've put a new artwork section with some unreleased stuff and I'm making plans for a Sanddemon Shrine on my page (thanks to Mr. Kej for suggesting something like that ..)


6/08/2002: This is some old news mixed with the newest news, but I don't have the time to update this page every day right ? ;-). Anyways, I added the interview with Lar movie in the downloads section and also added the latest reviews of Divinity. One of the German websites (GameZone) even gave Divinity their Silver Award !! And acording to PC Games, Divinity came in directly at a second place in the German Games sales charts !!! (Saturn Game chards)


3/08/2002: Two new user made screenshots are added in the newest screenshot area ...


2/08/2002: Finally Divinity is in the stores !!! The german stores that is, but I guess it won't take that long to get the game over here ;-). I've also updated the review section and I'd like to congratulate the Larians on this memoriable day :-D !!!! Thanx to the release in Germany some extra goodies where released !!! There are 4 new screenshots, 2 new wallpapers and the Title track from Divine Divinity is available for download !!! Rejoice !!!!!


27/07/2002: The final part of the Prequel story is online, now you can read is as the whole story !! Divine Divinity has also won a prize (and the game isn't even in the stores ;-) ).  At the German PC Games ADward Contest CDV won first prize with ther Divine Divinity commercial !!


22/07/2002: Check out the fifth part of the Prequel story.


12/07/2002: The German version of Divinity has gone gold !!! Congratulations Larians. The game is expected to be in the shops by the beginning of August :-D. I've also uploaded the fourth Part of the Prequel story.


11/07/2002: Download the E3 coverage made by WoD here or here


6/07/2002: Part 3 of the prequel story is online and a new preview.


2/07/2002: I forgot to mention the previous news here, but now I've updated the fan fiction part again and Part 2 of the prequel story is also online. There has been a E-book released on Divinity right here. In this Chronicle you can read lots of stuff about the history of Divinity and there are lots of clues.


18/06/2002: I'm having exams so, please be patient for more updates, only got 2 more to go !!! I've updated the fan fiction page in the meanwhile and here's a link to the prequel story CDV started (unti!l now a link, I don't knowif I may publish it ...)


31/05/2002: I've updated the screenshot gallery and updated the fan fiction stories. The new E3 2002 is also available in the downloads section.


29/05/2002: I've updated the general info part with more info and added a fan fiction section.


26/05/2002: I've updated some stuff in the fansite section, and Divinity will be present at E3, take a look at the CDV E3 site for more info. This is the map for finding the E3 booth. There are also some new E3 screenshots. The E3 impression from Gamespot has been added and they also offer a E3 trailer movie from Divinity, it's worth checking out and it's 39,6Mb big.


14/05/2002: Some more demo stuff has been added, like a link to Myrthos Walkthrough. I've also updated the downloads section with Polgara's ICQ skin and Nemesis WinXP startup screen.

I'm also planning to make this site public from now on, but I still want to make improvements !! So If you got any suggestions, please e mail me at:


8/05/2002: Some changes on this site and a new department with links to previews and reviews


5/05/2002: A demo section has been added together with the completing of the other areas :-).


1/05/2002: The adding of all the recent news I missed since the creating of this new site :-). There has been an interview with Lar on Avault on the 12th right here. I've added 8 new screenshots in the screenshot section. For all the previous news (which was on my older site :-s ) Please check the Larian's Press archive